The City of Santa Ana’s Library Services Agency has been awarded $1.086 million from the California State Library “Building Forward” grant program to fund a variety of critical maintenance and infrastructure needs at the Newhope Branch Library.
This grant will supplement Cannabis Public Benefit Funds and other funding sources, allowing the City to revitalize the Newhope Branch Library. The City is planning a modernization and refurbishment project over the next year that will transform the Newhope Branch Library into a community hub for interactive learning and technology.
The Newhope Branch Library has lacked significant and critical maintenance repairs since it was built in 1976. Funding will address many needed upgrades and repairs to essential life-safety and building infrastructure, including electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems, interior doors, and storefront entries. These upgrades will also make the building more environmentally sustainable by using newer and more efficient mechanical components.
Additionally, this grant will help prepare the Santa Ana Public Library to meet the City’s evolving needs for quality community and educational spaces for impacted and underserved populations. For more information about the Santa Ana Public Library, visit Library Services Website or call (714) 647-5250.