2021 Affordable Housing Opportunity and Creation Ordinance
Summary of the newly adopted ordinance
On April 19, 2022, City Council adopted a revised ordinance that establishes standards and procedures to create the development of affordable housing for a range of households with varying income levels. This ordinance will ensure the production of affordable on-site units, renovate older units, or pay into an “in-lieu” fee set aside for building affordable housing within the City.
The ordinance was previously known as the Housing Opportunity Ordinance (HOO).
Benefits of the updated ordinance
- Generates more opportunities for housing developers to build in the City, creating more affordable housing
- Apply rental and for-sale set-aside requirements
- Use of local skilled and trained workforce
- Options for in-lieu fees
Key Provisions
- Adjust applicability threshold from 20 units to 5 units
- Modify in-lieu fee requirements; apply sliding scale for smaller projects
- Include an increase in residential density permitted by the zoning classification
- Modification to rental and for-sale set-aside requirements
- Include all City General Plan Amendments and Zone changes after November 28, 2011
Click below to view the newly adopted ordinance
Additional ordinance information and materials
Inclusionary Housing Plan: Rental Development Project Application
Inclusionary Housing Plan: Ownership Housing Development Project Application
Administrative Procedures Manual: Rental Residential Development
Administrative Procedures Manual: Ownership Housing Development
Affordable Ownership Housing Program Homebuyer Application