In 2022, our approximately 1,400 City of Santa Ana staff worked day in and day out to provide essential services to Santa Ana residents. Here are just a few of their many accomplishments, by the numbers.
Public Works
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- Responded to 580 Water Pollution/Hazardous Waste and Stormdrain-related service requests
- Cleaned 1,849 stormdrain assets
- Removed over 188,000 lbs or 94.4 tons of trash/debris/sediment from stormdrains
Maintenance Services
- Completed 151,124 graffiti removal requests
- Responded to over 14,500 illegal dumping reports
- Serviced over 2,000 potholes
- Serviced over 1,900 trees
- Over 10.4 billion gallons of Total Water Supplied
- 75 Fats, Oils, and Grease Memo/Permits Issued
- 819 Fats, Oils, and Grease Inspections
- 15,000 feet of Water Main Capital Projects Completed
- 8,500 feet of Sewer Main Capital Projects Completed
- 780 New Water Meters Installed
- 700 Development Plan Checks Performed
- 500 streetlights serviced
- Responded to 750 traffic safety reports
- 1,000 street work and utility permits issued
Community Development
Housing Division
- Received over 20,000 applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist for 2022
- Awarded over $225,000 in Family Self-Sufficiency grants
- Awarded $720,000 in down payment assistance loans for first-time homebuyers
- Awarded $5.2 million for the development of 47 permanent supportive housing units
- Awarded $2.2 million for the development of 6 affordable ownership homes
- $29,521,271.58 in emergency rental assistance
- 3,018 families helped
- 427 families saved from eviction
Economic Development
- $4.2 million in grants for Downtown businesses
- 510 DTSA businesses received grants
- Over $148,000 in microbusiness grants awarded
- Over $845,000 in vehicle rebates awarded to nearly 1,700 residents
- 138 businesses participated in support seminars
Homeless Services
- Nearly 10,000 individuals contacted through outreach teams
- 2,397 individuals engaged in case management services
- 1,127 individuals exited off the streets
Arts & Culture
- $100,000 in Special Event Sponsorship grants awarded to 31 Santa Ana artists and organizations
Parks and Recreation
- 1,977 registered participants in programs
- 6 New Special Events/Series (10 total)
- 80,500 estimated attendance for special events/series
- 8,306 reservation permits issued
Police Department
- 427 DUI related arrests
- 432 guns recovered
- 29% decrease in response times (from 2019 to 2022)
Planning and Building
- 8,633 building permits issued
- Construction valuation of permits issued: $358 million
- 33,233 Building Inspections performed
- 2,951 plan review projects submitted
- Construction valuation of plan review projects submitted: $892 million
Code Enforcement
- Over 26,000 Violations inspected and closed.
- 448 Building/Structural Codes permits generated based on code enforcement actions
- $2.2 million property valuation improvements generated based on code enforcement actions
- Over $1 million generated in Cannabis Administrative Fees which generated 69 renewed or newly opened legal commercial cannabis licenses in Santa Ana for 2022
- Over 100 unpermitted and unlicensed vendors addressed with OC County Health
Finance and Management Services
- Over $1 million in water bill assistance to qualifying residents and businesses through California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program funding
- 64 community meetings for input and feedback on City Budget
- Over 1,200 surveys and simulations collected from the community about budget priorities
Food Distributions
- $600,000 distributed to partnering organizations
- Nearly 132,000 individuals fed