2024 City Measures

Ballot Measures - November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election


MEASURE CC - City of Santa Ana Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance Adoption
Ballot Language/Question Shall the measure adopting a Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance be adopted?
Impartial Analysis Argument in Favor Argument Against Rebuttal to "In Favor" Rebuttal to "Against"


MEASURE DD - Proposed Amendment to Section 1203 of the Santa Ana City Charter (Noncitizen Voting)
Ballot Language/Question Shall the City of Santa Ana City Charter be amended to allow, by the November 2028 general municipal election, noncitizen City residents to vote in all City of Santa Ana municipal elections?
Impartial Analysis Argument in Favor Argument Against Rebuttal to "In Favor" Rebuttal to "Against"


MEASURE EE - Proposed Amendments to Sections 401.05, 611, 702, 703, 1002, and 1103 of the Santa Ana City Charter (Miscellaneous Charter Amendments)
Ballot Language/Question Shall the Charter of the City of Santa Ana be amended to delete references to obsolete job titles and obsolete bonding requirements, specify that all department heads are at-will employees, address definitions of funds and levies for compliance with state law, authorize limited purchasing authority for the City Clerk and City Attorney and require the City Council to adopt an ordinance to enforce the Ethics Code?
Impartial Analysis Argument in Favor Argument Against - None Submitted Rebuttal to "In Favor" - NA Rebuttal to "Against" - NA


MEASURE FF - Proposed Amendment to Section 402 of the Santa Ana Charter (Council Compensation)
Ballot Language/Question Shall the City of Santa Ana Charter be amended to index Council compensation at a salary of thirty three (33%) percent of that of an Orange County Superior Court Judge?
Impartial Analysis Argument in Favor Argument Against Rebuttal to "In Favor" Rebuttal to "Against"


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