Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

3rd and Broadway Development Project

General information

3rd and broadway

The property, located on the north side of 3rd Street between Broadway and Main Street represents the largest developable parcel in the downtown with the greatest opportunity for development.

The property is located within the Transit Zoning Code, specifically within the Downtown (DT) sub zone.  This zone is applied to the historical shopping district of Santa Ana, a vital pedestrian oriented area that is defined by multi-story urban building types accommodating a mixture of retail, office, light service, and residential uses.

The Transit Zoning Code is a form-based code meaning that the development standards vary based on the building type proposed. The General Plan land use designation for the property is District Center (DC).


Full RFQ Document

Parking Structure Plans:

3rd and Broadway Mixed-Use Development

3rd and Broadway Mixed-Use Development

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