Red Flag Warning, Wind Advisory and Dust Advisory in effect

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Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restriction (CC&Rs):

The CC&Rs is required for a development project with a common area for a private park, landscape setback space, private street, and any other space and improvements to be owned and managed by the Homeowner’s Association (HOA). The CC&Rs must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to the approval of the final map.

Reciprocal Easement Agreement (REA):

The REA is required when two or more separate properties benefit from an integrated development project.  Easements for storm water drainage, vehicular parking, vehicular ingress and ingress, utilities, and property maintenance obligations are some items listed in the REA. The REA must be reviewed and approved by the City, and recorded by the developer prior to the approval of a building permit.

Public Right of Way maintenance Agreement:

This agreement serves as a license to allow certain improvements to be constructed by the developer in the public right of way area. The developer has an ongoing maintenance obligation of the area. This agreement must be reviewed and approved by the City, and recorded by the developer prior to the approval of a building permit.

Initial submittal documents:

  1. Draft agreement.
  2. A title report current within 60 days.
  3. A copy of each document referenced in the exhibits such as deeds, records of survey, parcel map, etc.
  4. Improvement plan associated area.
  5. Initial review fee payment.

Processing fees (Search Miscellaneous fees)

Submittal page


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