The City of Santa Ana has openings for anyone interested in serving on the Environmental and Transportation Advisory Commission or the Measure X Citizen Oversight Committee. These advisory groups provide valuable insights to the Santa Ana City Council through their recommendations.
The Measure X Committee acts in an advisory role to the City Council in reviewing the annual revenue and expenditures of funds from the tax authorized by Measure X, adopted by Santa Ana voters on November 6, 2018.
The Environmental and Transportation Advisory Commission (ETAC) acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council regarding the removal, planting, replanting or disposition of public trees in the public right of way. ETAC also reviews and provides recommendations on transportation and streetscape planning; water and wastewater matters; the City’s Circulation Element; the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans; Citywide Complete Streets; and major surface transportation programs. ETAC may provide input on street environment, streetscape, and right of way aesthetics.
Councilmember-appointed members serve for a term of four years, with a maximum of three full terms. The terms run concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. The Mayoral representatives serve for two years, up to four consecutive terms.
Requirements to serve on a City board, commission or committee may vary. Learn more at https://www.santa-ana.org/boards-and-commissions/ and apply at https://santa-ana.primegov.com/public/committees.
For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office by email at cityclerk@santa-ana.org or by calling (714) 647-6520.