Business license tax abatement

The City of Santa Ana provides city and public safety services which benefit the business community. An important part of supporting these services is registering for the City business license tax.  The intent of the Abatement Program is to encourage individuals and businesses to voluntarily come forward to meet City business license requirements.

The City of Santa Ana requires all persons transacting and carrying on business within the City to obtain a business license prior to commencing business in the City. The fees associated with the business license requirement represent general fund revenues that are used to support City general and public safety services which benefit the business community. When individuals and business do not pay, it places a larger burden on existing budget dollars and reduces the ability to provide all City residents their fair share of services.

The Business License Tax office is looking forward to assisting you in your efforts to comply with City requirements in obtaining a business license and clearing any unreported tax obligations. You may use the icons below to find appropriate forms or information in the Frequently Asked Questions related to our Program.

For more information, call the Business License Tax Office Customer Service Line at (714) 647-5447 [Mon. - Thurs. and alternate Fridays], se habla español; or email us at

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