Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Call for mural proposals – Santa Ana Navigation Center

Deadline: Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM (PST)

The City of Santa Ana’s Community Development Agency is issuing a Call for Mural Proposals (CFP) to artists or artist teams for the design, fabrication, and installation of an original indoor artwork suitable for placement in our 200-bed Homeless Navigation Center in Santa Ana.  The murals/designs will be for the three (3) areas. The estimated maximum budget for this project is up to $20,000. The City will review complete proposal submittals and award one artist/team the contract to execute their art concept(s).

The deadline for proposal submission is Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 11:59 PM (PST) and must be submitted online via Submittable.com.

Who to contact if you have questions:

  • Homeless Services Division: Terri Eggers - teggers@santa-ana.org

Project Objective

The City is soliciting designs from local artists for three separate art features. The intent of the CFP is to engage local artists to create a beautiful, colorful, fun space for families and individuals who are staying at the Navigation Center.  The City is open to a wide range of art styles. Only submit an application if interested in submitting a design for all three areas of the site.

Site Information

In an effort to be least disruptive for those staying at the Navigation Center, photos of the site are provided. The selected artist will have access to the site prior to job commencement to obtain actual measurements and to gain a feel for the space.

This CFP will provide one artist/team three opportunities: (1) one mural wall in the family lounge, (2) two sidelight panels in the main hallway, and (3) wall design along the family dorm corridor walls.

  1. The family lounge is commonplace for children and parents residing in the Santa Ana Navigation Center to watch TV, do homework, and play. The artwork will consist of one mural along the back wall (without the TV) which measures approximately 150.4 square feet (8’x 18’8”.)
    Photo of white wall with a few decorations adorning its length.
  2. Two sidelights are in the main corridor outside of a Counseling and a Conference Room. All guests, at the site pass through this hall frequently.
    Photo of a blank white sidelight. Photo of a blank white sidelight.
  3. The family dorm corridors include two hallways, one longer than the other. We are looking for a simple graphic design (not a mural) to be designed above the wallpaper along the corridor walls to brighten the area. The corridors measure approximately 322 square feet with doors separating the corridor as seen below.  Approximate measurements between each door are:  (4’x11 ½’), (4’x21’), (4’x16’), (4’x16’), (4’x9’), and (4’x7’.)
    Photo of corridors with blue wallpaper along the lower half.  Photo of corridors with blue wallpaper along the lower half.

Proposal Selection Criteria

Artists may submit up to three (3) designs for each of the three areas at the site. A panel will review the applications and recommend a finalist. The City will select one finalist based on:

  • Artistic merit and originality – including theme and content of the display in terms of scale, form, content, and materials
  • Art feature creativity and fit within overall project aesthetics and goals
  • Experience creating artwork for public spaces, preferred but not required
  • Track record working within a timeline and budget, preferred but not required
  • Availability and ability to work for the term of the project
  • Local artists are preferred but not required

Design and Installation

Design Criteria:

  • Artwork should integrate well with the building design and colors
  • Design must consider the $20,000 installation budget limitation and fit within the budget
  • Artwork will be family appropriate, bright, and cheerful
  • All proposed artwork should be original 2-D drawings or digital renderings only
  • Artwork with stock or copyrighted images in the design will be disqualified
  • Consideration should be given to the historical, geographical, and socio-culture of the city
  • Artwork cannot contain trademark images, logos, tag lines, or be in any way thematically linked to a commercial business, establishment, product, or service. Overt religious and political themes and symbolism will also be declined.
  • The City will reject display works of art that are obscene (as defined by A.C.A. § 5-68-302 et seq.) or violate other State or Federal Laws.

The artist/team will paint the mural within the agreed-upon time frame. The all-inclusive award will include artist fees, design fees, travel expenses, fabrication costs, site preparation costs, and any other expenses related to the mural and design. The City will have rights to use the mural design in marketing the Navigation Center and/or similar materials.


A budget of up to $20,000 is included in the project budget for art feature implementation and installation. The artwork shall be owned by the City.

Selection and funding are contingent upon a signed Agreement between the artist and the City of Santa Ana. The award will be distributed in two payments: 50% upon a fully-executed agreement and receipt of invoice, and the final 50% upon the successful completion of the installation and receipt of invoice.


Applicants must be age 18 or older. Candidates are eligible regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identification, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, immigrant status, or physical ability.

Additional Information

The organization selected through this CFP process must agree to maintain liability insurance, which will insure and indemnify the artist(s) and the City of Santa Ana during the term of the contract and for one year after acceptance of the project unless the requirement is waived by the City of Santa Ana.

  • The City of Santa Ana is not obligated to select a finalist from the submitted CFPs and reserves the right to cancel this CFP at any time.
  • Submitting an application to this CFP does not constitute an expressed or implied contract.
  • Applicants submitting will receive notification of the results of the selection process.
  • Application materials will not be returned.
  • All submissions become the property of the City and may be published in print and/or on the City’s website. The City will own any copyrights to the artwork for purposes, including commercial, that they deem in their interest to utilize
  • This CFP is subject to ordinances in effect in the City of Santa Ana.
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