Career and Education Resources
The Santa Ana Public Library has a wide range of resources to help you learn new skills, build your academic skills at all levels, practice tests such as the GED and LSAT, job search, update your resume, and more! Get instant access to digital resources at the Santa Ana Public Library from home or on the go. Have your library card number and pin ready or get an eLibrary card today.

The Santa Ana WORK Center connects our community’s job seekers to the resources, skills, and opportunities they need to find better jobs and careers. The WORK Center provides job seekers a single, convenient, and no-cost access to a wide variety of employment services and resources.
Book recommendations
by Whitehouse, Bud
The vast majority of job seekers don't know what they don't know about the job search, and when they get a job they don't know how to create and manage success. By combining Whitehouse's week-to-week work strategies and proven career management secrets, job seekers of all types can work toward obtaining promotions and better job opportunities.
Linked: Conquer LinkedIn. Get Your Dream Job. Own Your Future.
by Garriott, Omar
by Jensen, Nancy McSharry
When on the hunt for a job, make sure your LinkedIn profile is just as polished and updated as your resume. If you aren't getting responses from recruiters, chances are your profile is missing pertinent keywords that bots aren't selecting. In addition, dress codes have changed too, so you'll need to know new technologies such as Slack and Google+ Hangouts. If you have no idea what any of this means, YOU'RE NOT ALONE.
You're one of the forty-five percent of women who, after taking a career break, quickly discovered that the job search has changed rapidly in the last decade. With new modes of communication, rules of discoverability and expectations, this book lays out a clear path for anyone ready to re-enter the workforce.