We are all anxious to see the actual results from FY 2019-20. How did COVID-19 affect our finances through June 30, 2020? Did revenues exceed our estimates? Did we spend less than expected? Our Accounting Staff is working hard to reconcile accounts and count every dollar; then the auditors will do their job this fall. Like normal, the City is … Continued
Friends of Santa Ana Zoo’s Zoofari 2020 “Treasure Island Adventure” has sailed off into the sunset. Raising over $35,000 for Zoo support, the virtual auction event was a great success. The community came together in support of the event with many fantastic donated items and underwriting contributions. Over 2,000 guests visited the virtual auction site during the two … Continued
Utilizing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds, the City of Santa Ana’s Public Works Agency – Maintenance Services Division has implemented a supplemental bus stop and shelter maintenance program through December 2020. The CARES Act provides funds to state and local governments to cover necessary expenditures incurred during the COVID-19 public … Continued
The Santa Ana Public Library is pleased to present this exciting program for adult residents living in the City of Santa Ana. Are you looking to expand your career opportunities, re-enter the workforce, or continue your education? The Career Online High School program is 100% virtual, flexible and free. Scholarships for the program are limited, … Continued
The City of Santa Ana’s Public Works Agency continues to collaborate with local community based organizations and volunteer groups to perform general cleanup of trash and debris of public areas, helping to improve the City’s appearance. On Sunday, August 30, 2020, a Community Clean-Up event was held consisting of over a dozen volunteers, spanning more than … Continued
Do you have a few minutes to spare ? Complete your Census TODAY! Luckily, you have three ways to respond. Open up your computer and visit http://my2020census.gov Pick up your phone and call (844) 330-2020 Seal up that envelope and respond by mail
City Hall and all non-essential City services will be closed on Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day. Emergency services will be available during this time.
As part of our COVID-19 recovery efforts, this week we continued with our Santa Ana Cares Mobile Resource Center outreach. A cross-departmental team of City employees are strategically setting up pop-up resource centers throughout the city, which includes COVID-19 testing. To date, we’ve visited 18 different neighborhoods! Here’s what we’ve accomplished so far: Dropped off … Continued
The Draft Santa Ana General Plan Update and Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was released for public review on August 3. The “Golden City Beyond: A Shared Vision” Draft General Plan will provide long-term policy direction and communicate the vision, values, and goals for Santa Ana’s physical development, fiscal and environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life. … Continued
As of today, we have met our 2010 Census response rate of 67.6%, despite a global pandemic and a complete shutdown of the U.S. Census Bureau operations. We will continue to promote the Census until the deadline of September 30, 2020, as part of our Santa Ana Cares Mobile Resource Center and on City social … Continued