Category: City Manager’s Office

COSAS: City Manager’s newsletter for February 16, 2023

In this issue of the City Manager’s newsletter, learn how to participate in the City budget process, see the unveiling of our new ceremonial street sign toppers honoring Black history, read about a new green space project, find out how our zoo saved a lemur, and get more news and events! Subscribe to COSAS Spotlight … Continued

COSAS: City Manager’s newsletter for February 2, 2023

In this edition of COSAS, In this issue of the City Manager’s newsletter, find out how much your local government accomplished last year, our Family Justice Center celebrates 3 years, subscribe to our Cultura recreation and classes guide, and get much more City of Santa Ana news and events. Subscribe to COSAS Spotlight photo Lion … Continued

2022 City of Santa Ana staff accomplishments, by the numbers

In 2022, our approximately 1,400 City of Santa Ana staff worked day in and day out to provide essential services to Santa Ana residents. Here are just a few of their many accomplishments, by the numbers. Public Works National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Responded to 580 Water Pollution/Hazardous Waste and Stormdrain-related service requests Cleaned … Continued

COSAS: City Manager’s newsletter for January 13, 2023

In this edition of COSAS, learn about our new traffic safety survey, the lowered home business permit fee, an upcoming safe routes to school project, community engagement efforts by Code Enforcement, and fun events happening in our City. Subscribe to COSAS Spotlight photo Luchando in Santa Ana. Photo Credit: Marcos S. – @luxeodon, @i_photovisions To … Continued

Done/doing update

Welcome to our done/doing update for the City of Santa Ana website. This is a recap of what we’ve done from November 10, 2022 to December 16, 2022, and what we’re working on next. Done Resolved a custom caching issue impacting links to online Library resources Fixed link to Trash Services pickup schedule Changed the … Continued

COSAS: City Manager’s newsletter for December 16, 2022

SUBSCRIBE to the COSAS Newsletter  In this edition of COSAS, learn about the new City Council, more renter protections for Santa Ana residents, a new cannabis law, holiday schedules for different facilities, and fun holiday events happening in our City. Spotlight photo Mr. and Mrs. Claus visit the Santa Ana Winter Village Photo Credit: Cori … Continued

New cannabis law lowers tax rates, allows consumption lounges and events

Santa Ana is the top destination for legal cannabis in Orange County. SANTA ANA, Calif. – Santa Ana will continue to be the top destination for legal cannabis in Orange County thanks to several new measures approved by the Santa Ana City Council that will lower tax rates and allow marijuana consumption lounges and events. … Continued

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