SUBSCRIBE to the COSAS Newsletter In this edition of COSAS, learn about our Shop Santa Ana program, the library’s expanding hours, fun holiday events like the Winter Village, Pancakes with Santa and the Ride of Lights, and much more! Spotlight photo Christmas on 4th St. Photo Credit: Hiram U. To submit your own original … Continued
City Manager Kristine Ridge gave an update to the City Council on Nov. 15, 2022, about the City’s efforts to address homelessness. City of Santa Ana is a leader in Orange County in addressing the needs of unhoused individuals. Learn more by visiting our Homeless Services Data Dashboard.
SUBSCRIBE to the COSAS Newsletter In this edition of the COSAS newsletter, read about a wonderful new affordable housing development, how we’re making our streets safer, our community gardens, and much more Santa Ana news and events. Spotlight photo Halloween at Southwest Senior Center Photo Credit: Hiram U. To submit your own original photo of … Continued
Welcome to our first done/doing update for the City of Santa Ana website. This is a recap of what we’ve done from April 20, 2022 to November 9, 2022, and what we’re working on next. Done Live launch of the new City website: 1,087 pages or subpages 3,028 documents 304 news posts 2,616 event posts … Continued
In this edition of the City Manager’s newsletter, learn about what the City is doing to address homelessness and what you can do to help, see our new activities guide, and read about other City news, programs and events. Spotlight photo “Creature from the Black Lagoon” screening at Birch Park Photo Credit: Hiram U. To … Continued
SANTA ANA, Calif. – The City of Santa Ana is disheartened and disappointed to learn that on Friday, Oct. 21, U.S. District Judge David O. Carter gave the green light to the County of Orange to open a cold weather shelter at the National Guard Armory located at 612 E. Warner Ave. This followed his … Continued
A Salvation Army site was proposed despite two year-round shelters already operating. SANTA ANA, Calif. – The County of Orange will not be allowed to open a planned cold weather shelter operated by the Salvation Army in Santa Ana this winter, a federal judge has ordered. U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter ruled late … Continued
In this edition of the City Manager’s newsletter, find fun Halloween events and other activities, read about our new PAAL center, learn about the City’s ballot measures, and more! Subscribe to COSAS Spotlight photo Traditional Vietnamese Dance at the Mid-Autumn Festival Photo Credit: Hiram U. To submit your own original photo of Santa Ana to … Continued
Two separate lawsuits filed against Santa Ana City Manager Kristine Ridge, City Attorney Sonia Carvalho and Director of Human Resources Jason Motsick by the Santa Ana Police Officers Association (SAPOA) have been dismissed with prejudice. The first lawsuit also had POA President Gerry Serrano as a plaintiff, while the second lawsuit named “Doe Officers” as … Continued
In this edition of the City Manager’s newsletter, read about our recent housing accomplishments, share your ideas about downtown murals, apply to serve on a City commission or board, and find fun activities like Taste of Santa Ana and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Subscribe to COSAS Spotlight photo Baile Folklorico at Fiestas Patrias Photo Credit: Hiram … Continued