Category: City Manager’s Office

City of Santa Ana awarded $4 million health equity and literacy grant

Federal funding to help fight COVID-19 and improve health disparities among racial and ethnic minority and vulnerable communities The City of Santa Ana has been awarded a $4 million federal health equity and literacy grant to help underserved populations get better access to health services and information in response to COVID-19. The two-year grant from … Continued

Work Readiness Program and Job Fair

In partnership with the Community Development Agency and the Santa Ana WORK Center, the Santa Ana Public Library has initiated a Work Readiness Program with a series of workshops for job seekers looking to gain an edge through resume writing, job searching, interview skills, and much more. This program will provide meaningful employment support and … Continued

Environmental Justice Survey Prize Winners

Eight residents won $100 gift cards for completing our Environmental Justice survey! Congratulations to Esteffani Roldan, Venancio Chavez, Michelle Tran, Santiago Herrera, Araceli Escobar, Laura Quijada, Diana Roque, and Patricia Caballero, and thank you to everyone who completed the survey. It was made available this spring to engage the community, with a special focus on … Continued

Small Business Development Center Programs

The Orange County Inland Empire (OCIE) chapter of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers many great programs for local business owners. Here are a few that are coming up: No-Cost Product Photography: The Digital Marketing Lab at OCIE SBDC is offering no-cost product photography on Friday, Aug. 13. All of their services are paid for … Continued

New Bus Benches Display Santa Ana Design

The City’s Public Works Agency staff is pleased to announce that the latest round of bus stop furniture replacement began in May. The City has developed a new Santa Ana design for the 134 pairs of one bench and one trash container. Installation is prioritized for stops with no furniture or missing furniture components. The … Continued

Youth Group Cleans Up Bristol Street

The City’s Public Works Agency team supported a church youth group cleanup last month to fulfill a volunteer community activity for their youth conference. About 50 youths ages 14-18 and eight adults cleaned up the Bristol Street corridor from Edinger Avenue to McFadden Avenue. The Public Works Maintenance Services Department provided the trash bags and … Continued

Protected Bike Lanes Shift into High Gear

Since February 2021, the City has been constructing protected bike lanes and bus islands on Bristol Street between Edinger Avenue and 1st Street. The original scope of the project is complete, but thanks to our efficient work, we are able to expand the scope and deliver additional improvements within the project limit. With the additional work, … Continued

Water Quality Report Now Available

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is an annual water quality report that informs  Santa Ana residents about where your drinking water comes from and what’s in it. The 2020 CCR Water Quality Report details the quality of Santa Ana’s water and confirms that the City continues to maintain the highest standards, surpassing all state and … Continued

Main Library Reopens After Renovations

Santa Ana’s Main Library is seeing many new faces since its reopening on July 12 after receiving important upgrades that include a new roof, ceiling and lighting throughout the building. Staff have been placing special emphasis on ensuring that families, children and residents of all ages and backgrounds feel like their public library is a … Continued

Intersection Closure at Santa Ana Boulevard and Bristol Street

OC Streetcar crews will be working during the day and night at the Santa Ana Boulevard and Bristol Street intersection for track construction. To accommodate this work, a full closure of the intersection will be in effect 24 hours a day beginning as early as Monday, July 19, at 7 a.m., through Monday, July 26, … Continued

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