Category: City News

COSAS: City Manager’s Newsletter for May 3, 2024

In this edition of the COSAS newsletter, the City of Santa Ana has major achievements in housing and development, the George Upton All Access Park playground project breaks ground, over 500 volunteers join in our first citywide public service event, and our upcoming events include residential parking discussions, composting classes, and Star Wars Day at … Continued

Two new workshop dates for the My First Home program

Looking to buy your first home? The Housing Division has added two additional workshops for the My First Home program. These workshops are intended to provide information on the program’s eligibility and application process. If you are interest please join us at one of our workshops! May 16, 2024 Taft Elementary School 500 Keller Ave. … Continued

Street closures and permitted events for May 2-8

Here are the locations of upcoming permitted events and road closures so you can plan accordingly. Please drive slowly and safely in construction zones and around crowded events. If a weather event occurs on the anticipated start date, the street closures for construction activity will be delayed until the weather clears. Saturday, May 4 Plaza … Continued

Street closures planned for OC Marathon on May 5

Street closures will be in effect for the OC Marathon on Sunday, May 5, in Santa Ana, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, from 5 a.m. to as late as 12:30 p.m. The following street closures are planned in Santa Ana on May 5: MacArthur Blvd. at Raitt Street, both directions Raitt St. northbound from Sunflower … Continued

Public Works Maintenance Services Division celebrates Arbor Day

In recognition of National Arbor Day, the City’s Public Works Maintenance Services Division collaborated with multiple City departments and vendors, to host a family-friendly citywide community event on April 20, 2024, at Jerome Park celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day.  The Me Encanta Santa Ana event, which means I love Santa Ana in Spanish, gave … Continued

Traffic Engineer speaks at Public Works Conference

On April 17, 2024, at the 25th Annual American Public Works Association PWX SoCal Conference, City of Santa Ana Public Works Senior Traffic Engineer, Ruben Castaneda gave an engaging presentation on the “Santa Ana Vision Zero Plan” that has a goal to achieve zero pedestrian and bicyclists fatalities in Santa Ana.  The presentation discussed the … Continued

Street closures and permitted events for April 25-May 1

Here are the locations of upcoming permitted events and road closures so you can plan accordingly. Please drive slowly and safely in construction zones and around crowded events. If a weather event occurs on the anticipated start date, the street closures for construction activity will be delayed until the weather clears. Friday, April 26 and … Continued

City of Santa Ana achieves 74% of new housing goals for 2021-2029

Santa Ana continues to lead California in creating much-needed housing. SANTA ANA, Calif. – The City of Santa Ana is on pace to meet and exceed its State-mandated housing goals well ahead of the 2029 deadline, thanks to a business-friendly development planning process and over $60 million in affordable housing investments by the City over … Continued

Street closures planned April 27 for Santa Ana Fun Run

The race is on, Santa Ana! Street closures will be in place for the Santa Ana Fun Run this Saturday, April 27, from 2 a.m. to 12 p.m., spanning from Flower to Bush streets and from 17th Street to Santa Ana Boulevard. Access will be open for those attending Día de los Niños, Día de … Continued

Santa Ana sees record development surge with $772 million permit valuation in 2023

The city is undergoing a transformation of new and innovative development. SANTA ANA, Calif. – The City of Santa Ana has reached a historic milestone in its development trajectory, issuing over 9,500 building permits for an all-time high construction valuation of $772 million in 2023. This remarkable achievement – more than double the construction valuation … Continued

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