Category: City News

Santa Ana sees record development surge with $772 million permit valuation in 2023

The city is undergoing a transformation of new and innovative development. SANTA ANA, Calif. – The City of Santa Ana has reached a historic milestone in its development trajectory, issuing over 9,500 building permits for an all-time high construction valuation of $772 million in 2023. This remarkable achievement – more than double the construction valuation … Continued

Street closures and permitted events for April 18-24

Here are the locations of upcoming permitted events and road closures so you can plan accordingly. Please drive slowly and safely in construction zones and around crowded events. Update: Monday, April 22-May 31 one traffic lane only westbound on Segerstrom Avenue between Bristol and Flower Streets, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 20 one … Continued

Students learn from construction engineers

On Monday, April 15, 2024, the Santa Ana Public Works construction engineering team had the opportunity to participate in a structure building activity with the 4th grade class at Jackson Elementary School.  The Public Works engineers, Michelle Cabañas, Danny Mai, and Gerardo Padilla guided the students in constructing earthquake-resistant structures using spaghetti and marshmallows.  The … Continued

Santa Ana City Council announces ‘strenuous opposition’ to proposed needle distribution program

SANTA ANA, Calif. – The Santa Ana City Council on Tuesday, April 16, unanimously approved a resolution announcing its “strenuous opposition” to a proposed needle distribution program that would threaten public health and safety. “This resolution reaffirms the City Council’s commitment to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our residents,” Mayor Valerie Amezcua said. “We … Continued

City Council bans short-term residential rentals

The ordinance is intended to curb impacts on neighborhoods and increase available housing supplies. SANTA ANA, Calif. – The Santa Ana City Council has voted to ban short-term residential rentals to preserve the character of neighborhoods, address the negative impacts caused by these unpermitted business operations, and to open up much-needed housing supplies. The proliferation … Continued

City breaks ground on George Upton All Access Park playground project

On Monday, April 15, 2024, the City of Santa Ana broke ground on the George Upton All Access Park project! In the next few months, the aging playground that was once located here will be replaced with an exciting new play area for children of all physical abilities. Located at Thornton Park, the George Upton … Continued

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