Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

City Council compensation

Members of the City Council receive compensation for their services pursuant to the City Charter. Their compensation includes a monthly stipend, auto allowance, retirement plan/deferred compensation, health insurance benefits, and life insurance benefits.

Monthly compensation details

  • A monthly salary of $1,000 for attending City Council meetings (updated in Resolution 2016- 094 and pursuant to Section 402 of the City Charter).
  • A stipend of $50 per session as a member of the Housing Authority, provided that members of the City Council may not exceed four sessions per calendar month
    (pursuant to Resolution 89-089).
  • A monthly automobile allowance of $500 (pursuant to Resolution 91-066).

Retirement benefits / deferred compensation

The City offers a CalPERS retirement plan for full time employees and designated part-time employees, and a deferred compensation plan (in lieu of Social Security). Members of the City Council have the option of either of the following plans:

  • Optional membership in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) equivalent to a regular City employee (Pursuant to Ordinance NS-2150).
  • Deferred Compensation in-lieu-of Social Security. The City matches the employee's contribution of 3.75 percent of salary.

Health and life insurance benefits

Members of the City Council are eligible to enroll in several City-sponsored group insurance plans, including medical, dental, vision, and basic life insurance (Pursuant to Resolution 89-089). Below is a summary of coverage available.

  • A $20,000 basic life insurance policy, while in office.
  • Medical/Dental insurance coverage paid by the City as normally provided for unrepresented appointed employees of the City of Santa Ana. Medical/Dental Cash-Back Option is available for those who have medical insurance coverage through other sources. Retiree Health and Dental is available (if eligible) at retired Mayor/Councilmember’s cost.
  • Vision insurance available for purchase.
  • Councilmembers may also enroll in the City's Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, also known as a Flexible Spending Plan, allowing payment for certain health benefits with pre-tax dollars.
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