Code Enforcement Division FAQS
Handy phone numbers to reach Code Enforcement if you have any of the following issues
For after hours, please call the police.
Fire/Police (Non-Emergency) | (714) 834-4211 |
Vehicle blocking the sidewalk | (714) 245-8225 |
Junk vehicle in the street | (714) 245-8225 |
Auto repairs in the street | (714) 834-4211 |
Stray/injured animal | (714) 245-8792 |
Abandoned shopping cart | (714) 667-2780 |
Abandoned furniture | (714) 667-3380 |
Trash/debris on private | (714) 667-2780 |
Graffiti | (877) 786-7824 |
Potholes | (714) 647-3380 |
Debris or tree blocking street | (714) 647-3380 |
(After hours - Call Police) | (714) 834-4211 |
If you have any other questions, please call us at (714) 667-2780