Com-Link Committees
Com-Link Board members attend City, Commission and neighborhood meetings and also networks with local service organizations (such as Santa Ana Elks, Rotary Club of Santa Ana, Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, etc.) to be more informed about the topics of interest to our neighborhoods.
Com-Link strives to provide updates at each Com-Link meeting in an effort to engage our neighborhoods in city issues and activities.
- Purpose: updates by-laws and prepares for presentation to membership
General Meetings
- Purpose: plan the general meetings (topics, speakers and presentations)
Annual Awards Night/Meeting
- Purpose: plan the annual awards night/meeting - location, catering, fundraising, speakers and presentations, invitations to guests, review award programs and update as necessary - Most Beautiful Yard, Neighborhood Heroes, etc.
Social Media
- Review and update of space on City website; community outreach on Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor; create Com-Link website and related email.
- Purpose: create and manage policy & procedures, write/edit content to city/gov/outside agencies, create content for the organization's promotional materials, handle any media inquiries (not social media), develop strategies to help boost Com-Link goals and initiatives.
- Purpose: promote website and social media accounts; research, promote, distribute information, coordinate schedule to attend City and community related events, Neighborhood Association meetings, councilmember office hours, etc.
- Purpose: budget, expense tracking, finance management, resources/assets, intern recruitment, grants, donations, coordinate funding for/donation of monthly meeting light snacks & refreshments.