Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 10-96 requires private property owners to post signage with information regarding loitering, obstructing passage, and 24-hour contact information of property management.
Private Property open to the public
No person, after first being warned by a law enforcement officer, or where a sign or signs have been posted in accordance with this section, shall loiter, stand, sit or lie in or upon any portion of private property utilized for public use, so as to hinder or obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles thereon; nor shall any person block, obstruct or prevent the free access to the entrance of any building open to the public.
Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 10-96(c) requires the following signage on private property open to the public:
Sign Requirements
- All signs shall be clearly visible to persons in restricted locations
- Each sign shall not be less than twenty-two (22) inches by thirty (30) inches
- Signs shall be posted every one hundred (100) feet
- Sign colors and materials shall contribute to the sign's legibility, and sign materials shall be compatible with and complement the overall design of the private property
- Signs shall have the word "WARNING" not less than two (2) inches in height, and all other letterings shall be at least five-eighths (⅝) inches in height
- The following wording shall appear on each sign:
- "Unreasonable obstruction of pedestrian traffic in this area by persons loitering, standing, sitting, or lying is prohibited and punishable as a misdemeanor."
- "SAMC Section 10-96"
Commercial Centers
Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 10-96(d) requires every commercial center in Santa Ana to have signs on-site providing 24-hour contact information of the property owner or property management company for the center. Commercial centers include commercial, industrial, and professional complexes. The public is encouraged to call the phone number listed on the sign directly to report all operational or maintenance-related issues.
Sign Requirements
- Signs shall be posted at each entrance and exit on the property
- Each sign shall not be less than 18 inches X 24 inches
- Sign colors and materials shall contribute to the sign’s legibility
- Sign materials shall be compatible with and complement the overall design of the commercial center
- Sign fonts shall be legible from at least 45 feet away
- The following wording shall appear on each sign:
- "This property is managed by (name). To report any problems or concerns regarding this property, call (name and 24-hour contact phone number.)"
- "SAMC Section 10-96"
Please contact the Planning and Building Agency’s Code Enforcement Division at (714) 667-2780 with any questions.