Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Community Education and Tours

Signup now for next NON-CERTIFIED CPR/Stop the Bleed Course

Periodically, OCFA offers free, NON-CERTIFIED Hands-Only CPR and Stop the Bleed courses!  Through this course, you will learn crucial life-saving skills.   We are currently planning the class for 2023 based on interest level from residents.  If you live or work in Santa Ana, please add your name to the interest list using the link below.  After signing up, you will be notified by email with information on the next class as soon as it is available.  

Click the link to add your name to the interest list for the next available class: https://volunteersignup.org/XKMEF

Class is open to residents or those who work in Santa Ana for ages 16+.

OCFA Education and OutreachWe are proud to offer a variety of educational programs to the communities we serve. These programs include safety presentations, school programs and fire station tours.  If you would like to request one of these programs, fill out a request form below.  Please submit your request at least two weeks prior to the event and ensure that your request meets the requirements listed.

Safety presentations

OCFA offers safety presentations to businesses, civic associations and community groups. Presentation topics include the following topics: fire safety (fire prevention, home escape plans, and evacuation), disaster preparedness, senior fall prevention, and drowning prevention. Presentations are available Monday through Friday.alt

Safety presentation guidelines

  • Minimum attendance for a presentation is 20 people
  • Must be at a public location (no private residences)
  • Requests 2-weeks minimum in advance

Click link to submit a request:  https://ocfa.org/AboutUs/PresentationRequest.aspx

School visits

OCFA firefighters visit schools to provide presentations on fire safety, what to do in case of fire, firefighters as community helpers, and firefighter equipment and gear.  School visits last approximately 20-40 minutes.alt

School visit guidelines

  • Each school is limited to one visit per year; we encourage teachers to coordinate visits amongst themselves if multiple classes wish to participate
  • School visits are for educational purposes only with fire safety being the main focus
  • Classes must have an average age of five or older

Disclaimer: Emergency response is our primary responsibility and crews will remain in service during school visits. We make every attempt to fulfill requests, however, firefighter availability cannot be guaranteed. In the event of an emergency, firefighters may be delayed or unable to attend without notice. School visits cancelled due to emergency response will be rescheduled.

Click on link to submit request online:  https://ocfa.org/AboutUs/SchoolVisitRequest.aspx


Fire station tours

OCFA fire stations are open Monday through Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. for station tours. Station tours must be pre-approved, and last approximately 30 minutes. Please note that tours are subject to the crew’s availability and we request at least two weeks’ advance notice to schedule. If you need assistance finding your closest fire station visit our website.

Station tour guidelines

  • No more than 25 people (or one class) per visit (this includes adults and children)
  • We request one adult per five children to provide supervision
  • The recommended age for station visits is five and up
  • We do not host birthday parties at fire stations
  • Groups are limited to one station tour per year

Disclaimer: Emergency response is our primary responsibility and crews will remain in service during station tours. In the event of an emergency, firefighters may be delayed or unable to attend without notice. Station tours canceled due to emergency response will be rescheduled.

Diversion programs

The Fire FRIENDS (Firesetter Regional Intervention Education Network and Delivery System) program is designed specifically for juveniles who are exhibiting unusual or increased interest in fire and fire behavior, and is available to children and their families in and around Orange County, California.

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