In this issue of our newsletter, learn how to participate in the City budget process, join our inaugural Tết Festival, check out our new mascots, share your ideas on a park redesign, and find more Santa Ana news and events.
Spotlight Photo
Sunrise at Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center
Photo Credit: Tasawur H.
To submit your own original photo of Santa Ana to be featured in the next newsletter, complete this form.
City Manager’s Highlights
Join the City budget process
It’s an important time of year at City Hall! We’re starting our City budget process to begin planning how we’ll spend money and which programs and services will be prioritized in the 2024-25 fiscal year, which begins July 1.
That’s where you come in. The Santa Ana community has an opportunity to share their ideas about how their tax dollars should be spent through our Community Budget Priorities Survey and a series of community budget meetings that will be hosted by the Finance and Management Services Agency. The community meeting dates will be announced soon, so stay tuned. Learn more about the budget process and take the survey at the link below.
Our first Tết Lunar New Year Festival
In Santa Ana we’ve always recognized the diverse cultural background of our community through our many festivals and events. Now we’re excited to announce a new City-sponsored event that celebrates an important holiday for many of our Vietnamese and Asian residents – the Tết Lunar New Year Festival! The Tết Festival was approved by the City Council and is a collaboration between the Santa Ana Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Agency and the Santa Ana Public Library. The event will take place Saturday, Feb. 3, from 2 to 7 p.m. at Centennial Park, 3000 W. Edinger Ave. It will feature dance performances, music, art, food and more!
Two City projects receive Public Works Association awards
Each year, the American Public Works Association of Southern California presents the Public Works Project of the Year awards to promote excellence in the management and administration of public works projects, recognizing the alliance between the managing agency, the contractor, the consultant, the community, and their cooperative achievements. On December 14, 2023, the City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency received two 2023 Project of the Year Awards.
The Ed Caruthers Park project received the Creative and Innovative Award for a city with a population over 200,000. Ed Caruthers Park is a new 1.18-acre neighborhood park that includes a skatepark above 3,300 square feet of bioretention basins and a subsurface infiltration system designed to capture stormwater runoff. This was a collaboration between our Public Works Agency and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency.
The San Lorenzo Sewage Lift Station received the Drainage, Water, and Wastewater Award for a city with a population over 200,000. This new station will greatly reduce the risk of sewage spills. You can see it for yourself at our ribbon cutting on Jan. 18 – learn more below in Events.
Read about the Public Works awards
Meet our new community services mascots: the CommuniTEAM
To ring in the new year, Santa Ana officially welcomed the CommuniTEAM: Paco, Tamarindo, and Ollie. While the mascot group serves all of the City’s community services, each character holds special interests in Parks and Recreation, the Santa Ana Zoo, and the Santa Ana Public Library.
All three animals were chosen as they perfectly embody the spirit of Santa Ana. Parrots are famously known for soaring across the city, tamarins have a long-admired history inside the Zoo, and otters will become Santa Ana’s newest Zoo residents. As representatives of all City community services, the CommuniTEAM mascots will also regularly visit the Library. Both agencies will work together in integrating the CommuniTEAM at various events and programs.
In December, community members were invited to vote on the mascots’ names. We received thousands of votes before the winning names were chosen. Thank you for your participation!
City awarded $4 million in grants for transit renovations and urban greening
The Public Works Agency has received over $4 million in Clean California grants that will be used to refurbish our iconic train station, improve bus stops and create an urban green space.
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) awarded the grants as part of the Clean California Local Grant Program and the Clean California Transit Partnership Program. Santa Ana’s total combined grant award is one of the largest of any city in California.
Read more about the Clean California grants
Join Santa Ana Police Department
Santa Ana Police Department is hiring for multiple positions! We’re looking for hard-working and dedicated individuals who want to serve their community. Positions include police officer, dispatcher, fingerprint examiner, correctional officer and more. SAPD is a premier California law enforcement agency and a longtime leader in community policing.
City Hall closed, no street sweeping on MLK Day
On Monday, Jan. 15, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day to honor this iconic leader of the Civil Rights Movement. In observance of the federal holiday, Santa Ana City Hall, libraries, senior centers and community centers will be closed on Monday. There will be no street sweeping, but trash and recycling will be collected as scheduled.
Street sweeping holiday schedule
Street closures and permitted events
Click the button below for the locations of upcoming permitted events and road closures for the next week. Please drive slowly and safely in construction zones and around crowded events.
Street closures and permitted events
Tales of the City
2024 wall calendar: Santa Ana Through the Years
The highly anticipated 2024 City of Santa Ana wall calendar has been released, taking residents and businesses on a nostalgic journey through the rich history of our lively community. The calendar showcases a carefully curated selection of historical photographs from the Santa Ana Public Library History Room.
It also includes important information such as City phone numbers and events, water conservation tips, and observed holidays (with street sweeping cancellations!) The calendar was sponsored by the Water Resources Division and compiled in partnership with the City Manager’s Office.
Featuring iconic landmarks, community events, and notable moments from Santa Ana’s past, the calendar serves as a visual celebration of our city’s heritage. Residents are sure to find a sense of pride and connection as they flip through the pages, reflecting on the milestones that have shaped their beloved community.
Every residential and business address should have received the calendar, but in the event that the Post Office missed an address or you didn’t receive a calendar for some other reason, you can stop by the front desk at City Hall to pick up an extra copy (limit 1 per address, while supplies last.) Here’s to a fun and prosperous 2024 in Santa Ana!
City Council Meetings
In their regular meeting on December 19, 2023, the Santa Ana City Council:
- Approved an appropriation adjustment to recognize Office of Traffic Safety Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant funds in the amount of $199,900 and an agreement with Charitable Ventures of Orange County, Inc., to provide bicycle safety education services for a one-year period.
- Approved a contract with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount of $676,386 for the ARPA Neighborhood Streetlights – Phase I project with an estimated cost of $845,483 for streetlights in the French Park Neighborhood and on Willits Street from Fairview Street to Nottingham Avenue (Revive Santa Ana program)
- Approved a contract with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. for $2,288,087 for the Pedestrian and Mobility Improvements Phase II project with an estimated cost of $2,860,109, including the installation of a new traffic signal at Fairview Street and Highland Avenue, installation of new pedestrian hybrid beacons at Flower and 3rd streets, and 5th and Susan Streets, and a traffic circle at Wilshire Avenue and Sycamore Street (Revive Santa Ana program)
- Adopted a resolution authorizing the ceremonial street naming of Lydia Romero-Cruz Way along Lincoln Avenue from Washington Avenue to Stafford Street and a resolution authorizing the ceremonial street naming of Josephine “Chepa” Andrade Way along Logan Street from Washington Avenue to Stafford Street.
- Approved an agreement of up to $3.8 million with City Net to provide street outreach and engagement services to address quality-of-life concerns from January 1 to December 31, 2024. This funds the current homeless outreach team schedule and adds 18 additional hours per week to provide service from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week.
Subscribe here to receive City meeting agenda notifications. City Council meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with the closed session beginning at 5 p.m. or earlier. The open meeting session begins at 5:30 p.m. Meetings have both in-person and virtual participation and attendance and are live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and our TV channel, CTV3 (channel 3 on Spectrum.) If you’d like to provide public comments on agenda and non-agenda items, you can email, attend in person, or join the Zoom webinar online or by phone.
Santa Ana Fire Museum Open House – January 13
Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society is offering an opportunity this Saturday to explore the proud history of Santa Ana’s firefighters on a docent-guided tour of the Santa Ana Fire Museum! View vintage equipment and memorabilia dating back to the late 1800s alongside state-of-the-art contemporary fire trucks and equipment.
- Saturday, Jan. 13
- 12-4 p.m.
- Santa Ana Fire Museum, 120 W. Walnut St.
Tuesday Night Dancing – January 16, 23 & 30
Join the Santa Ana Public Library and Segerstrom Center for a weekly dance class exploring a range of styles and movements each month. This month will focus on hula dancing. Open to teens and adults.
- Tuesdays, Jan. 16, 23, & 30
- 6-7 p.m.
- Main Library, 26 Civic Center Plaza
Community Meeting: Redesign Project for Logan Center and Chepa’s Park – January 17
Santa Ana neighbors are invited to an interactive community meeting with the Public Works Agency for an update on the redesign of the Logan Center and Chepa’s Park.
- Wednesday, Jan. 17
- 6-7 p.m.
- Logan Community Center, 1009 N. Custer St.
Spanish interpretation will be available. Should you have questions, please contact City of Santa Ana Project Manager Macy Dreizler at (714) 336-1258 or mdreizler@santa-ana.org.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for San Lorenzo Sewage Lift Station – January 18
The Public Works Agency is inviting the public to a ribbon cutting ceremony for the San Lorenzo Sewage Lift Station. The new station will significantly reduce the likelihood of a major sewage spill. This project also moved the sewage lift station from its old location on Bristol Street, which will help improve traffic flow by no longer requiring lane closures on Bristol when the station needs maintenance. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
- Thursday, Jan. 18
- 11-11:30 a.m.
- 1112 W. Segerstrom Ave.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Public Works Agency Community Liaison Michelle Micallef at (714) 647-5091 or mmicallef@santa-ana.org.
National Hobby Month Open House – January 20
January is National Hobby Month! Start the New Year by discovering new skills at Santa Ana Public Library’s Hobby Open House. Drop in and test out some fun popular hobbies. You just might discover a new hobby of your own.
- Saturday, Jan. 20
- 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Newhope Library, 122 N. Newhope St.
Free Residents Day at Santa Ana Zoo – January 21
Santa Ana residents receive free admission to the Zoo on the third Sunday of every month. Proof of residency (such as ID or a utility bill) is required.
- Sunday, Jan. 21
- 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (last admission is at 4 p.m.)
- Santa Ana Zoo, 1801 E. Chestnut Ave.
Virtual meeting on Sanitation Service fee update – January 24
Santa Ana neighbors are invited to an interactive virtual community meeting with the Public Works Agency to learn about the City’s Sanitation Service enhancements to the community and the fee update. We value your attendance at the meeting to learn about the City’s Sanitation Services. Should you have questions, please contact Public Works Agency Community Liaison Michelle Micallef at (714) 647-5091 or mmicallef@santa-ana.org.
- Wednesday, Jan. 24
- 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Zoom link or dial-in at 1-669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID: 889 9751 9061
Unveiling of Little Saigon Monument – January 26
Join us for the unveiling of the new Little Saigon monument. This monument honors Vietnamese heritage and contributions to the community, with the unveiling kicking off Vietnamese Tết events for Lunar New Year. The sign will be placed on West 1st Street near South Harbor Boulevard and replaces a similar monument that was damaged by a car crash in 2008.
- Friday, Jan. 26
- 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Corner of West 1st Street and South Harbor Blvd.
Groundbreaking Ceremony for Gerardo Mouet Park – January 27
The Public Works Agency invites you and your family to a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the new Gerardo Mouet Park, located on the northeast corner of Standard and McFadden avenues. The park is named for the City’s former longtime Parks and Recreation director who died last year. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
- Saturday, Jan. 27
- 11-11:30 a.m.
- 1112 S. Standard Ave.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Public Works Agency Community Liaison Michelle Micallef at (714) 647-5091 or mmicallef@santa-ana.org.
Rhythm/Ritmo Santa Ana – January 30
Follow the rhythm of your heart, move your feet, and make a beat at the Santa Ana Public Library. In collaboration with The Segerstrom Center for the Arts, we are pleased to present Rhythm/Ritmo Santa Ana, a vibrant series of dance and music classes suitable for all ages and abilities.
Studio D: Dance & Music Community Class is a great way for friends and families of all abilities to have fun and participate together! All are welcome and no registration/signups are required.
- Tuesday, Jan. 30
- 4-5 p.m.
- Main Library, 26 Civic Center Plaza
Tet Lunar New Year Festival – February 3
The inaugural Santa Ana Tết Lunar New Year Festival, hosted by our Parks, Recreation & Community Services Agency and the Santa Ana Public Library, will celebrate an important Vietnamese holiday. Get ready to enjoy a day of cultural celebration featuring spectacular lion and dragon dances and fireworks!
- Saturday, Feb. 3
- 2-7 p.m.
- Centennial Park, 3000 W. Edinger Ave.
Water Treatment System Tour – March 1
Are you fascinated by the process of water treatment? Join our Water Resources Division for a fully funded excursion on Friday, March 1, to the Weymouth Water Treatment Plant, Water Quality Lab and Napolitano Innovation Center! This incredible opportunity is made possible by the generous sponsorship of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). Selected participants will enjoy an insightful tour of nearby water treatment facilities, gaining valuable knowledge about water treatment processes and innovations.
To register for this tour, please submit the following information to watertour@santa-ana.org by Monday, January 29, 2024, with the following information: resume, a paragraph about yourself, and a brief description of why you should be selected.
To be eligible, applicants must be Santa Ana residents age 18 or older. Preference is given to recent high school graduates, current college students, or faculty members.
Don’t miss out on this unique chance to expand your understanding of water treatment!
Report issues with the mySantaAna app
The mySantaAna mobile app puts the power of the City of Santa Ana government in the palm of your hand! Download the app to quickly and easily report issues such as potholes, graffiti, downed trees and much more.
Who do I call at City Hall?
Important phone numbers:
- City Hall main line: (714) 647-5400
- Code Enforcement: (714) 667-2780
- Graffiti Hotline: (877) 786-7824
- Emergency Water Services: (714) 953-8026
- Public Works dispatch (street sweeping, trees): (714) 647-3380
Find more phone numbers for all City services
Utility services
- City utility services
- Southern California Edison: Call (800) 447-6620
- Southern California Gas: Call (800) 207-8567
- Trash pick up: Call (877) 328-2074