Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

COSAS: City Manager’s Newsletter for July 28, 2023

Posted on July 28, 2023


In this edition of the City Manager’s newsletter, read about our police recruiting efforts, our first all-electric trash truck, how housing staff respond to the community, events happening throughout Santa Ana, and more!

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Spotlight Photo

Santa Ana Summer Concerts In The Park Rosita Park

Concert in the Park at Rosita Park

Photo Credit: Hiram U.

To submit your own original photo of Santa Ana to be featured in the next newsletter, complete this form.

City Manager’s Highlights

Recruiting new police officers

SAPD Academy Recruits

Santa Ana Police Department is actively working to recruit new officers in this competitive hiring environment for law enforcement agencies. SAPD has been hosting hiring fairs and popups, visiting colleges, and holding physical agility tests for anyone interested in becoming an officer. This month, the Santa Ana City Council approved another round of hiring bonuses for new officers to help us attract the best possible candidates.

To get a glimpse of SAPD’s hiring efforts and to learn what it takes to train as a new recruit, check out these great articles and video by Behind the Badge at the links below.

SAPD recruits get a preview of Sheriff’s Academy

Santa Ana police make their pitch at Cal State Long Beach

Join Santa Ana PD

White House highlights Santa Ana renter protections

White House Logo

This week the City of Santa Ana’s renter protection programs were highlighted in a White House fact sheet about the Biden administration’s new renter protection initiatives. The White House recognized the City’s efforts to protect renters from eviction and displacement and highlighted our rent stabilization ordinance and the new rental registry for landlords and tenants that will be online next month.

White House fact sheet

Santa Ana Renter Protections


City, Republic Services unveil first electric trash truck

Republic Services EV Truck

Republic Services and the City of Santa Ana have launched the company’s first electric collection vehicle (EV) in Republic’s California fleet, which is also the first EV trash truck for the City of Santa Ana and the first in Orange County. This automated side-load electric collection truck has been successfully collecting recyclables from residents throughout Santa Ana since June 13, 2023.

The zero-emission electric truck, manufactured by Peterbilt, will provide cleaner and quieter operations, and can service an entire route – approximately 1,200 homes – on a single charge. The truck fully charges in four hours overnight – when energy demand is lower – and is ready to begin service the following morning.

The City and Republic Services held a press conference and community on July 27 to show off the new truck. Click on the link below to read more about the event.

Read the electric truck press release

New picnic tables and benches added at Memorial Park

Memorial Park Improvements before and after

Memorial Park, 2102 S. Flower St., recently received five new benches and two sets of picnic tables enhancing the beauty of the park and enjoyment of park users. The park offers picnic areas, a community center, basketball courts, volleyball courts, a swimming pool, a rose garden and a playground for children. Come take a seat and enjoy our beautiful park!

City awarded $7 million for Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation Project

Santa Ana Blvd Grade Separation Project Rendering

The California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) awarded the CIty of Santa Ana Public Works Agency $7 million for the Santa Ana Boulevard Grade Separation Project as part of the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP).

The project proposes to grade separate the existing Santa Ana Boulevard/OCTA Metrolink at-grade railroad crossing. The grade separation will eliminate the at-grade crossing of Santa Ana Boulevard and the OCTA Metrolink tracks to improve pedestrian and bicycle user safety, enhance traffic operations, improve emergency response times and reduce existing traffic congestion along Santa Ana Boulevard. 

The proposed project improvements extend along Santa Ana Boulevard from Santiago Street to the Interstate 5 (I-5) southbound off-ramp intersection with Santa Ana Boulevard. The grade separation includes raised medians, decorative retaining walls and extensive landscaping to minimize the visual impact of the project as well as a pedestrian/bike bridge to provide additional connectivity. Additionally, the project’s railroad bridge includes an additional span to accommodate a multi-modal corridor that will contain pedestrian, bicycle and fixed guideway components that will provide a key connection to the various land uses envisioned in the SARTC Expansion.

The $7 million in TIRCP funding will allow the City to move forward with the preliminary engineering, environmental planning, and final design phases of this highly anticipated project.

Santa Ana Blvd. Grade Separation Project

Watch our homelessness update

The City of Santa Ana is a leader in Orange County in addressing homelessness. Homeless Services Division Manager Ken Gominsky presented the homelessness update to the Santa Ana City Council at their July 18, 2023, meeting, which you can watch in this video. Learn more about how the City is addressing homelessness in our community by visiting our Homeless Services Data Dashboard.

Homeless Services Data Dashboard

Street closures and permitted events for July 27 – August 2

Street closures July 27 through August 2

Here are the locations of upcoming permitted events and road closures so you can plan accordingly. Please drive slowly and safely in construction zones and around crowded events.

Street closures and permitted events

Tales of the City

Housing staff respond to community

Tales Of The City Latino health DPAP Meeting

At the June 6 City Council meeting, a member of the public spoke on behalf of a tenants group she belongs to at a local nonprofit, Latino Health Access. The tenants group wanted to learn more about homeownership and the City’s Down Payment Assistance Program. Our housing staff heard this and quickly followed up on her request.

Claudia Fernandez-Shaw, a housing programs analyst in our Community Development Agency, offered to attend the tenant group’s June 28 meeting to provide a workshop in Spanish on our down payment assistance program, called My First Home. Claudia also invited a HUD-certified housing counselor from NeighborWorks of Orange County to the meeting to provide even more valuable information to the group. The City’s residential construction specialist, Saulo Amezquita, also attended to educate the group on home inspections and compliance.

During the three-hour meeting, residents asked lots of questions not only about home ownership, but also about affordable housing in Santa Ana. On behalf of our Mayor and City Council, Claudia congratulated the resident for having the courage to speak at the City Council meeting. Thanks to her, City staff heard her request and she was responsible for her group having a very informative learning experience and taking the first step toward homeownership!

We encourage all of our community members to call or email City Hall, or come to our City Council meetings, if you’re looking for information about City programs and resources. We’re here to help!

City Council Meetings

At their July 18, 2023, meeting, the Santa Ana City Council:

  • Approved $2 million in Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention funds and 8 project-based vouchers for the Intergenerational Housing Project
  • Approved and awarded a construction contract of $5.2 million to Onyx Paving Company, Inc. for the Fremont Elementary and Spurgeon Intermediate Safe Routes to School Projects
  • Awarded a construction contract of $1.6 million to Onyx Paving Company, Inc. for residential street repairs
  • Held a public hearing on recovery of uncollected costs for abatement of dangerous and abandoned buildings

City Council meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with the closed session beginning at 5 p.m. or earlier. The open meeting session begins at 5:45 p.m. Meetings have both in-person and virtual participation and attendance and are live streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and our TV channel, CTV3 (channel 3 on Spectrum.) If you’d like to provide public comments on agenda and non-agenda items, you can email, attend in person, or join the Zoom webinar online or by phone.

August 1 Meeting Agenda


Brew at the Zoo – July 28

Santa Ana Zoo Brew At The Zoo 2023 Promo

The Santa Ana Zoo is hosting a fundraiser event tonight, July 28, with a special twist – Brew at the Zoo! Attendees will be able to explore the Zoo grounds while enjoying craft beer tastings of the finest of OC breweries. This event will be the first of its kind hosted at Santa Ana Zoo and all proceeds will go towards supporting Zoo improvements and educational programs. The event is open to residents and non-residents ages 21 and older. Buy tickets online or in-person at the gate!

  • Friday, July 28
  • 4-8 p.m.
  • Santa Ana Zoo, 1801 E Chestnut Ave.

Buy tickets for Brew at the Zoo

Government Job Fair – July 31

Government Job Fair Santa Ana WORK Center Stadium Marquee

The Santa Ana WORK Center and the Employment Development Division invite you to a Government Job Fair on Monday, July 31! Whether you are a recent graduate or an experienced professional, this is your chance to explore exciting opportunities in the public sector. Entrance is free – no registration is required!

  • Monday, July 31
  • 12-2 p.m.
  • Santa Ana WORK Center, 801 W. Civic Center Drive, Suite 200
  • Parking will be validated for up to 3 hours.

Government Job Fair

National Night Out – August 1

2023 National Night Out Logo Cropped

Mark your calendar and join us for National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at Rosita Park! This free community event hosted by Santa Ana Police Department will have many fun activities, personal safety education, and much more! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet and greet your Santa Ana police officers!

  • Tuesday, Aug. 1
  • 4-7 p.m.
  • Rosita Park, 706 N. Newhope St.

Summer Concerts in the Park – Thursdays Aug. 3 and 10

Concerts In The Park event cover image

Summer Concerts in the Park are back every Thursday from July 20 to August 10 at select parks! Join us on August 3 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Jerome Park for the next concert in the series to sing and dance along with headliner Suave.

  • Thursday, Aug. 3
  • 5:30 – 8 p.m.
  • Jerome Park, 2115 W. McFadden Ave.

Concerts in the Park

Libraries with Heart health fair – August 12

SAPL Libraries With Heart

In partnership with the American Heart Association and OC Health Care Agency, the Santa Ana Public Library will be the first library in Orange County to add blood pressure monitoring kits to our Library of Things collection. Join us as we celebrate this important community resource with a health fair at our Main Library. Featuring preventive heart screenings, health-focused Library of Things items, nutrition resources, dental screenings, and more! This event is free and open to all ages.

  • Saturday, Aug. 12
  • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Main Library, 26 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana


Report issues with the mySantaAna app

Mysantaana app

The mySantaAna mobile app puts the power of the City of Santa Ana government in the palm of your hand! Download the app to quickly and easily report issues such as potholes, graffiti, downed trees and much more.

Download the mySantaAna app

Who do I call at City Hall?

Important phone numbers:

  • City Hall main line: (714) 647-5400
  • Code Enforcement: (714) 667-2780
  • Graffiti Hotline: (877) 786-7824
  • Emergency Water Services: (714) 953-8026
  • Public Works dispatch (street sweeping, trees): (714) 647-3380

Find more phone numbers for all City services

Utility services

Starting a small business?

Food assistance

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