The City of Santa Ana recently launched the Santa Ana Cares Mobile Resource Center, a mobilized team of City staff who are going out into our high-density neighborhoods, meeting residents where they are, and providing the COVID-19 resources they need. Specifically, we are providing rental relief for tenants who have been unable to pay their rent due to COVID-19, utility assistance to households to make sure they have access to essential utility services, child care payment assistance to make sure our residents with children are able to return to work , COVID-19 testing for residents, face masks, and much more. To prepare for our soft launch, on Monday, August 17 staff distributed over 1,000 fliers to households. On Tuesday, we delivered 750 Santa Ana Cares kits, distributed 1,152 fliers, conducted 46 COVID-19 tests, and met with approximately 300 residents. And again on Wednesday, we distributed 1,155 Santa Ana Cares kits, distributed 650 fliers, conducted 96 COVID-19 tests, and met with approximately 300 residents. We expect to expand our outreach efforts as we continue to implement the activities identified within the CARES Act Spending Plan that City Council approved at the August 4, 2020 City Council meeting.
Here are some photos taken during the Mobile Resource Center, along with photos of the sanitization that is taking place in the public right-of-way. These photos demonstrate the impact that we are making as we navigate through our COVID-19 recovery efforts in helping keep Santa Ana safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.