Document Types: Neighborhood Initiatives

Windsor Village & Windsor Village North Meeting Flyer

Meeting Agenda and Flyer includes: Location: Jackson Elementary School 1143 S Nakoma Drive. 1) Windsor Park walk-through with Public Works Park Services staff – bring your flashlight and meet at the school promptly at 6:30 p.m. 2) Continued Discussion on Projects, Construction Updates, and Maintenance at Windsor Park with staff from Public Works Park Services … Continued

Nov. 15, 2023 Heninger Park N.A. Meeting Flyer

Meeting Agenda Flyer 1) Heninger Park 2024- Planning neighborhood meeting agenda & activity ideas for the next year. What topics of discussion are you interested in? 2) Heninger Haunt- Debrief and looking forward to a 2nd annual event. What did you like & what are your ideas for 2024? 3) 100th Birthday Celebration- Heninger Park … Continued

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