Welcome to our done/doing update for the City of Santa Ana website. This is a recap of what we’ve done from November 10, 2022 to December 16, 2022, and what we’re working on next.
- Resolved a custom caching issue impacting links to online Library resources
- Fixed link to Trash Services pickup schedule
- Changed the title and URL for the sales tax FAQ section to be more search-friendly
- Added a CAPTCHA to the illegal fireworks form to block spam submissions
- Added City Council meeting and agendas to the Get answers page
- Created a new page for Plan checking, permitting, and mapping
- Link to the Planning and Building page was not working, the link was fixed
- Missing page to apply for business permit added to the page
- Building department page not working redirected URL
- Creating a technology vendor registration form
- Update barking dog online form to include instructions and tie it to animal services subpage
- Add event listing criteria to the events page