Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Emergency management

The mission of emergency management is to support residents, first responders, and City staff in preparing for and responding to natural or human-caused disasters or acts of terrorism.

Plan ahead: sign up for emergency alerts and get help

Emergency Management is part of Santa Ana Police Department’s Homeland Security Division, but works with all City departments, Orange County Fire Authority, Orange County’s Emergency Management Division, Santa Ana Unified School District, the American Red Cross, other county departments and agencies and surrounding cities to provide the highest possible level of preparedness and coordination when disaster strikes.

Residents of Santa Ana enjoy the warm, sunny climate and beautiful landscape that makes Southern California so attractive. But Southern California's terrain, climate and geology also carry substantial hazards, including earthquakes, fires, heat and drought, power failures, storms or floods, pandemic disease or terrorism.

Help in an emergency is usually only a 911 call away. But when a major event happens, public safety responders won't be able to help everyone at once. And emergency workers will need time to repair all of the lifelines and systems that we depend on every day.

Have you done anything to prepare for disaster in your home? Will you be able to care for yourself and your household until help arrives? Do you know how to Drop, Cover and Hold On during earthquakes? Are you ready to live for three days or more without power or water, or grocery stores or other purchases? How will your family re-unite if separated, or at least keep in contact?

If you're not ready yet, get started! It’s as simple as clicking these links for checklists or readiness information. The City presents Community Emergency Response Team training courses. You can take American Red Cross courses or volunteer to coordinate the efforts of your neighborhood. Be sure to register your contact information with AlertOC, the City’s emergency notification system, to receive warnings or instructions when emergencies do happen!

We know disasters will strike. When they do, we will be shocked and disoriented. But preparing today can be the difference between helplessness and recovery.

More information


For questions, please email Emergency Operations Coordinator Steve Rhyner at srhyner@santa-ana.org or call (714) 647-5315.

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