7-Eleven Service Station (Euclid-Hazard)
Updated: February 06th, 2025
Project Address: 813 N Euclid Street
Assigned Planner: Ricardo Soto, AICP — Principal Planner
Phone: (714) 667-2793
E-mail: RSoto@santa-ana.org
Project Description
7-Eleven proposes to construct a 3,045-square foot convenience store and 1,800-square foot fueling canopy on a 0.64-acre site. The project would also include new landscaping, refuse enclosure and parking. The site is currently vacant. The project requires a conditional use permit (CUP) for after-hours operation and an amendment application (zone change).
Current Status
- Under Construction
- 95% of construction completed.
Important Documents
- Sunshine Ordinance Flyer (English & Spanish)
- Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND):
- Draft MND
- Technical Appendices:
Past Meetings
- Planning Commission public hearing (tentative) - Monday, January 27, 2020 5:30 pm @ Council Chambers
- Sunshine Ordinance Community Meeting - Saturday, May 12, 2018 10:00 am
Project Location
Proposed Site Plan