Police Chief recruitment community meeting

Come and give your input on selecting our next police chief!
The City of Santa Ana is recruiting for a new police chief who will oversee nearly 400 officers and over 200 civilian employees at the Santa Ana Police Department. We are seeking input from the community to share which characteristics you want to see in our next chief.
We have scheduled three community events that will be a casual conversation between members of the public and the City’s recruiter. Please drop in any time during these events and provide your perspective:
- Friday, February 2: 9 to 11 a.m., Southwest Senior Center, California Room, 2201 W McFadden Ave.
Spanish translation will be available at each event. Vietnamese translation will be available at the Feb. 2 event and upon request on Jan. 30 and 31 (call 714-647-5214 to request Vietnamese). If you are unable to attend one of these meetings, please email your comments to the recruiter at apply@bobmurrayassoc.com. Please include “Santa Ana Police Chief comments” in the subject line. For more information on these events, contact the City of Santa Ana Human Resources Department at 714-647-5340. Go here to read our advertisement for the police chief position.