Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Family Self-Sufficiency program

The Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a voluntary program for families who are currently receiving the Housing Choice Voucher. The program is designed to help families in the Section 8 housing become economically independent through financial literacy.

What does the program provide?

  • The opportunity to work with a Workforce Specialist who will help you make a five-year plan for your success. This plan may include employment with increased earnings, continuing your education,  trainings, and/or other additional goals and services needed.
  • The chance to earn a cash reward based on your earned income increase. This reward is called escrow.
  • Continuous support and encouragement from your Workforce Specialist.
  • Help to solve problems and find needed services and current job openings
  • Self- sufficiency workshops

What are the workshops about?

Successful people are constantly learning new skills.  Workforce Specialists will connect you to self-sufficiency skills through referrals and workshops like:

  • Financial management and credit repair
  • Stress management
  • Job interviewing
  • Family communication
  • Home ownership preparation

Other benefits

  • Referrals to community services
  • Access to current job listings
  • Invitations to job fairs and other community activities

Learn more and contact us

If you're interested in participating in the FSS program, please contact:

Kevin Ewinger
(714) 565-2678

Katherine Leal 
(714) 667-2210

Alternatively, submit an application below.

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