Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Film permits

Are you looking for the perfect location to shoot your next photo shoot, film, television series, or commercial?

If so, film Santa Ana! The City is a rich urban landscape filled with historical architecture, art and culture and offers endless possibilities for any size of production.

Obtaining a film permit is easy and we are here to guide you! The first step is to complete both a film permit application and SAPD supplemental application. This will initiate your permit process. Applications must be received three weeks before your first filming date. Late applications will not be accepted.  Completed applications must be emailed to filmpermits@santa-ana.org

Once your applications are received and you receive approval, the following materials must be submitted to the Santa Ana Film Permit office

  • Santa Ana business license
    • To obtain a business license, contact Daphne Camacho at dcamacho@santa-ana.org or call (714) 647-5448.
    • Students are exempt from providing a business license with proof of enrollment in a film or media program (i.e. letter from school)
  • Site plan
    • Must include filming setup, staging, craft services, sanitation area
  • Location agreement
    • Required only if filming on private property
  • Approval through the OC Fire Authority
    • Visit www.ocfa.org and complete the Special Event Activity Forms. Please send forms directly to specialevents@ocfa.org
  • Sanitation and social distancing plan

Additional requirements if filming on public property

  • Public Property Filming Fee of $492.00 per day
    • Student fee is $79.00 per permit (proof of enrollment required)
    • Online payment instructions will be emailed once permit is approved
    • Visa and Mastercard accepted
  • Certificate of Insurance and Additional Insured Endorsement
    • Must be received at least 10 business days before filming
    • Students must provide insurance from their school
    • Incomplete policies will not be accepted

Police supervision and street closures

All film permit requests are reviewed by the Santa Ana Police Department. Productions that include elements of concern may require mandatory police supervision. Elements of concern may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Simulated violence/distress, weapons, or blood
  • Explosions, pyrotechnics, or stunts
  • Actors in police officer uniforms or police vehicles
  • Moving vehicles
  • Loud or amplified noise
  • Street closures*

If it is deemed necessary for an officer or officers to be scheduled for your production, you will be responsible for hourly overtime costs of each officer as well as any additional police costs that may be incurred during filming. There is a 4 hour minimum for officer overtime.

*If you require a street closure permit, please contact Santa Ana Police Community Specialist Beverly Martin at bmartin@santa-ana.org or call (714) 647-5840.

Reserved parking

Daily meter or structure parking is available upon request for a nominal fee. Please contact the Santa Ana Film Permit office and provide the locations and parking meter numbers that you would like reserved. Requests must be received at least 5 business days before filming. Placards will be required to be placed on vehicle dashboards once parking has been issued.
For more information, please contact the Santa Ana Film Permit Office at filmpermits@santa-ana.org or call (714) 571-4213.

For questions about film permits and applications, contact filmpermits@santa-ana.org.

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