First Harbor Mixed-Use Development MOCK

Project Address: 101 North Harbor Boulevard

Updated: February 24, 2025


Elevations, Renderings, Plans & Photos:

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Project Description

The applicant is proposing to develop the existing vacant lot with a nine-story mixed-use building consisting of 15,182 square feet of leasable commercial space, 1,845 square feet of leasing office space, 181 for-sale residential condominium units (10 of which will be affordable units), 339 parking spaces, and 40,853 square feet of open space and amenities. As proposed, the project requires approval of a Site Plan Review (SPR) by the Planning Commission.

Application Numbers:  SPR No. 2024-01 & TTM No. 2024-01
Existing General Plan Designation: District Center (DC-3)
Proposed General Plan Designation: None
Existing Zoning:  Transit Node
Proposed Zoning:  None
Assigned Case Planner:  Jerry Guevara, AICP, Senior Planner | (714) 647-5481 |
 Applicant Contact: Charles "Chuck" Minyard | Primior, Inc.
Review Status: 
  • Entitlements Approved
Project Documents: 
Upcoming Meetings: 
  • TBD
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