Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

FPPC agency disclosure (form 800 series)

Form 801 – Payments to agency report

Form 801 is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies that are used for agency purposes and paid by a third party. FPPC Regulations 18944 and 18950.1 provide a procedure that agencies may use to disclose these payments, which may include a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of using agency funds; and a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency.

  • Form 801 – Payments to Agency Report
Donor Name Donation Date Amount Event Form Filed
Councilmember Lopez February 19, 2022 - March 1, 2022 $3,286.82 Migente Attached

Form 802 - Ceremonial role events and ticket distribution report

FPPC Regulation 18944.1 sets out the circumstances under which an agency’s distribution of tickets to entertainment events, sporting events, and like occasions would not result in a gift to individuals that attend the function. The city has adopted a policy which identifies the public purpose served in distributing the admissions, known as Resolution No. 2009-019. The Form 802 serves to detail each event and the public purpose of each ticket distribution.

  • Form 802– Agency Report of Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket Distributions
Donor Name Donation Date Amount Event Form Filed
Councilmember Lopez May 7, 2022 $20.00 Open Garden Day West-Floral Park + Fisher Park Attached
Councilmember Lopez December 30, 2022 $39.30 Discovery Science Center Winter Fest Attached
Councilmember Lopez March 26, 2023 $268.61 Beautifully Woven Attached

Form 803 – Behested payment report

A behested payment is made when a state or local elected official or a member of California’s Public Utilities Commission solicits a donation to an organization, such as a 501(c)(3), that is used for legislative, governmental or charitable purposes. These payments are not considered campaign contributions or gifts. While state law limits the amount of campaign contributions and gifts, there are no limits on behested payments. State law requires that behested payments be reported if they total $5,000 or more per calendar year from a single source. Officials must report the behested payments within 30 days of the date they are made.

Local Officials:  You must file the report in hard copy or electronic.

  • Form 803 - Behested Payment Report (State officials can e-file!)
  • Form 803 – Behested Payment Report (Paper copy)

Behested Payment Report (Fair Political Practices Commission, FPPC Form 803)

Donor Name Donation Date Amount Event Form Filed
Caribou Industries

June 14, 2015

$15,000 KidWorks CDC Attached

Form 806 – Public official appointments report

An official may vote to hold another position even if the voting official will receive additional income so long as the public is informed prior to the vote or consent item. FPPC Regulation 18702.5 provides for the filing of a Form 806 under these circumstances. Each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions to which an official will vote to appoint themselves. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, the Form 806 is updated to reflect the change. The form must be updated promptly as changes occur.

  • Form 806 – Agency Report of Public Official Appointments

Form 807 Nonprofit travel payments, advances and reimbursements

Government Code Section 89506(f) requires certain 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to file Form 807 to disclose donors of $1,000 or more who accompanied an elected officeholder for any portion of specified travel.

  • Form 807 - Nonprofit Travel Payments, Advances and Reimbursements - Donor Disclosure List
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