FX Residences

Updated: February 11th, 2025

Project Address: 801, 807, 809, 809 1/2 E. Santa Ana Boulevard

Assigned Planner: Pedro Gomez, AICP — Senior Planner

Phone: (714) 667-2790

E-mail: PGomez@santa-ana.org

For information about leasing opportunities, availability, or waitlists, please contact the Housing Division's Representative.

Housing Division Representative: Irlanda Martinez — Housing Programs Analyst

Phone: (714) 647-5461

Email: imartinez10@santa-ana.org

Project description

Applicant proposes to construct a new residential development consisting of 17 units, 1,120 square feet of group space and a 389 square foot community room. The development will consist of a two-story building with flats/apartment units and covered parking. One unit will be set aside for onsite manager while 16 units are proposed as affordable to households earning less than 30 percent of the area median income (AMI). The project will require a State Density Bonus Agreements allowing up to 50 units per acre and a Voluntary Lot Merger.

Current status

  • Under Construction
    • 95% of construction completed.

Important documents

Sunshine Ordinance Community Meeting Flyer in English and Spanish
Sunshine Ordinance Meetings Materials


Past meetings

  • Sunshine Ordinance Meeting - Tuesday, October 8, 2019, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
    Santa Ana Train Station at 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 220 (2nd Floor), Santa Ana, CA

Upcoming meetings

  • Planning Commission Public Hearing - Monday, March 22, 2021 @ 5:30 p.m.
  • City Council Public Hearing - TBD

Site plan

To be announced

Intersection of Santa Ana Blvd. and Garfield Street

Intersection of Santa Ana Blvd. and Garfield St.

Santa Ana Boulevard (South) elevation

Santa Ana Boulevard (South) Elevation

Courtyard (North) elevation

Courtyard (North) Elevation

Garfield Street (West) elevation

Garfield Street (West) Elevation

Alley Side (East) elevation

Alley Side (East) Elevation

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