Haphan Residential Development
Updated: February 6th, 2025
Project Address: 3025 West Edinger Avenue
Assigned Planner: Ricardo Soto, AICP — Principal Planner
Phone: (714) 667-2793
E-mail: RSoto@santa-ana.org
Project Description
Haphan Residential is applying to construct an 18-unit multi-family residential project on two existing parcels, 1.22 acres in size. The property is in the Two-Family Residence (R-2) zoning district with a Low-Density Residential (LR-7) General Plan land use designation. A general plan amendment to Medium Density Residential (MR-15), variances for increased building height to 3-stories, reduced off-street parking for 60 stalls, reduced front setback of 16 feet, unit configurations and tract map applications are required.
May 2019: The site plan was revise to propose a 17-unit condominium development with 68 parking space (4 space per unit). A general plan amendment to Medium Density Residential (MR-15), variances for increased building height to 3-stories, reduced front setback of 10 feet, open space and unit configurations and tract map applications are required. The City is also proposing a General Plan Amendment to amend the land use designation of the four properties to the east (2935, 3007, 3013, and 3019 West Edinger Avenue) to also be Medium Density Residential (MR-15).
Current status
- Under Construction
- 77% of Construction completed.
Important documents
- Sunshine Ordinance Community Meeting Minutes
- Notice of Intent (Public review June 11, 2018 to July 2, 2018 at 5 pm)
- Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration & Appendices (Full Document)
- Initial Study & Mitigated Negative Declaration Only
- Appendices Only
Past meetings
- City Council – June 4, 2019 5:45 pm @ Council Chambers
- Planning Commission - May 13, 2019 5:30 pm @ Council Chambers
- Planning Commission – March 25, 2019 5:30 p.m. @ Council Chambers (MEETING CONTINUED to May 13, 2019 at 5:30 P.M.)
- Sunshine Ordinance Meeting – Saturday, April 18, 2015, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm @ Centennial Education Center, Room E101