Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Hotspot and Chromebook Lending Policy

Guidelines for borrowing and use

  • Hotspots and Chromebook can be renewed if no one is on the waiting list.
  • A valid Santa Ana Public Library card must be presented at the time of checkout
  • Library card user MUST be present at time of check-out.
  • Limit of one hotspot and one Chromebook per patron.
  • Borrowers must read, understand, and sign this agreement at the service desk in the presence of a library staff member each time(s)he checks out a Hotspot.

Fines and liability

  • Borrower may be responsible for costs associated with damaged or loss of a hotspot/Chromebook and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse.
  • Costs are:
    • Hotspot:
      • Verizon or T-Mobile - $99
      • USB cord - $8
      • AC adapter - $8
      • Case - $6
      • Keychain - $2
        Total: $123.00
    • Chromebook Kits:
      • Chromebook – Acer Spin 513s - $744
      • Accessories include carrying case, headset, and wired mouse - $80
      • Keychain - $2
        Total: $826.00
    • Chromebook (Emergency Connectivity Fund – ECF):
      • Chromebook 11 3100 - $322
      • Carrying bag - $10
        Total: $332.00

Proper care and use

  • As with any electronic device, please handle and use with care. Do not use where water or any other liquid may spill or splash on the hotspot or Chromebook.
  • The software and settings may not be altered. Nothing can be added or removed from the hotspot’s/Chromebook’s internal storage.
  • In order to preserve equipment integrity, and ensure patron safety it is recommended to NOT charge hotspots while in use to avoid overheating the device.
  • It is recommended that no more than 5 devices are connected to a hotspot at one time to avoid slower connections.

Hotspot/Chromebook lending agreement

I agree:

  • Abide by the Library’s hotspot and Chromebook lending guidelines as stated above and pay full repair and/or replacement cost should the hotspot/Chromebook or any peripherals be stolen, lost, damaged, or not returned for any reason.
  • I have read the entire document and my signature below indicates my agreement with the above statements.
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