Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Landlord FAQ

Can I refuse to rent to an individual?

You have the right to select the tenant you want for your unit using whatever criteria you determine. However, you must not discriminate against an individual because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, or disability.

How can I list my property for Section 8?

You can list your property for free by visiting Affordablehousing.com.

How do I sign up for direct deposit?

To sign up for direct deposit, please log into your assistance connect account and complete the direct deposit form under “Document Library”. Once the form is completed, submit it via the “Send Document” tab. Additionally, you may view this tutorial if you encounter any complications.

How do I submit a rent increase?

A rent increase must be served 60 days in advance and submitted to the tenant and housing authority simultaneously. Please submit rent increase requests directly to SAHArentincrease@santa-ana.org, and not your caseworker. An email confirmation will be sent once the rent increase has been received.

How much rent can I expect from my property?

As a landlord, you determine the asking price of your unit. The asking price of your rent must be reasonable compared to other units of similar location, quality, size, type, and age. If the rent is not reasonable to similar units, you may be asked to lower it to accommodate the tenant interested in moving into the property. Should you rent your property through Section 8, rent increases must also be reasonable in relation to comparable units, the payment standard in the jurisdiction, and what portion of the rent the tenant can afford to pay.

I just sold my property, but I had tenants on Section 8, what should I do?

If you are simply selling your property, please contact your caseworker for the “Transfer of Ownership” packet.

If you are selling your property, and evicting your tenants, please provide a 90-day notice to your tenant and caseworker and complete a “Transfer of Ownership” packet.

What if I have problems with the tenant?

If you have repeated problems with the tenant, you have the right to enforce your lease and take necessary actions against the tenant. Whenever you do start proceedings against a client, you must follow local regulations. Any correspondence sent to the tenant, such as a warning letter or a notice to vacate, please send a copy to the housing authority.

You can also contact the OC Fair Housing Council if you have any questions.

What is the housing authority inspector looking for in the inspection?

Before a tenant can move into your property, the housing authority has to inspect the unit. The inspector is looking for minimum Housing Quality Standards to ensure that the units is in livable condition. If the unit is not in livable condition, you may be asked to make some repairs to the unit prior to the client moving in. We cannot pay on the unit until it passes inspection.

Please use this form to contact the Inspector if you have any questions.

What is the housing authority’s role under the lease agreement with my tenant?

Our role is to administer the Section 8 program, our responsibilities include determining a family’s eligibility for the program, conducting biannual inspections, and other administrative functions of the program. Although we make every effort to counsel tenants on their behavior, we have no authority or ability to enforce the lease provisions when a tenant does not comply with the terms of the lease. The housing authority is not a party to the lease and consequently has no property management enforcement abilities.

What should I do if I do not receive payment?

If you do not receive payment, or receive a payment that is in the incorrect amount, please contact your caseworker. Click here if you need help finding your caseworker.

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