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Housing Authority Landlord newsletter: October 2022

Posted on November 1, 2022

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In this issue:

  • HUD Housing Choice Voucher Landlord Newsletter – Quarter 4

HUD Housing Choice Voucher Landlord newsletter

Click on the link below for a new issue of the HUD Housing Choice Voucher Landlord Newsletter. This is a newsletter published nationwide by HUD for landlords, property owners, and property managers. Articles in this issue include:

  • New Vouchers Increase Opportunities for Renters and Landlords
  • Private Market Data Drives 2023 Fair Market Rent Increases
  • HUD Guidance Supports Landlord-Related Activities
  • Continued Waivers Boost Affordability
  • San Antonio Landlord Summit

Click here to read the Quarter 4 Newsletter

Rent increase submissions

The HAP contract requires all rent increase requests to be issued in writing to the tenant with a copy to the Housing Authority at least 60 days prior to the effective date. To streamline the process, SAHA created an email account dedicated to only rent increase requests. To ensure that your rent increase request is processed timely and correctly, please email all of your rent increase requests to

Vacancy listings

We have many new voucher holders searching for a vacant unit with our Emergency Housing Vouchers, Mainstream Vouchers and HUD-VASH Vouchers. If you currently have a vacancy or you are expecting to have a vacancy in the near future, we encourage you to list your vacant units with us at You may also consider signing up for our region’s landlord incentive program, Welcome Home OC. The website for more information is

Housing Plus Program

Our assisted families can voluntarily participate in a program called the Housing Plus Program. The Housing Plus Program is a HUD program to increase their earned income and reduce their dependency on welfare assistance and rental subsidies. We work in collaboration with the Santa Ana WORK Center and a Program Coordinating Committee (PCC) to provide coaching, guidance, and case management to Housing Plus Program participants. Our goal is that all of our non-elderly, non-disabled families voluntarily join our Housing Plus Program and use our housing assistance as a platform to attain self-sufficiency and independence from our housing assistance.

Listing your vacant units with us has never been easier!

Our agency uses a service called is the largest affordable housing listing service in the nation. It provides a central location where voucher holders can search for available units where the landlord is willing to screen the voucher holder for tenancy.  It only takes a couple of minutes to post a free listing and you will get leads sent directly to your inbox.

To list your units, simply go to By listing your units on, this does not obligate you to rent to one of our voucher holders. You are simply expanding your marketing to ensure you are able to find the most qualified tenant possible for your unit(s).

Apartment Association of Orange County

Membership in the Apartment Association of Orange County opens doors of opportunity as you seen to broaden your knowledge of the industry and maximize your potential as an industry professional. You will receive professional assistance that will help you achieve your professional goals.

You can own or manage a single unit or thousands of units – AAOC offers something for everybody!

AAOC will provide you with the tools you need to be an even more successful rental housing owner, some of which include:

  • Access to nationwide credit, eviction, and criminal background checks
  • Counseling assistance for your rental housing questions and concerns
  • Access to a full collection of legal and operational forms
  • Educational seminars & certified property management courses
  • Protection of your rental property rights through legislative advocacy
  • Membership with the National Apartment Association (NAA)
  • Annual subscription to AAOC’s apartment news magazine & NAA’s units magazine
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