Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Inmate mail

Send mail to inmates housed at the Santa Ana Jail.

How to address mail

Mail for inmates should be addressed as follows:

Last Name, First Name
Booking #, Module & Cell #
C/O Santa Ana Jail P.O. Box 22003
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Mail must meet the following guidelines

  • Mail must contain both the inmate’s name and booking number and the sender's name and return address. The envelope may not contain any other unnecessary writing, artwork, or markings on it.
  • New and used paperback books in good condition must be mailed or sent directly by the publisher or an accepted distributor, such as amazon.com, bamesandnoble.com, costco.com, walmart.com, etc. (Amazon Marketplace vendors are NOT considered secure sources and are prohibited.) Magazines and newspapers must come directly from publisher. Torn pages or torn articles from publications are not allowed. Hardcover, vinyl, and leather-bound books are NOT allowed. Inmates may only possess a maximum of five books or magazines. An invoice listing the purchaser, recipient, contents, and the name of the online store must accompany the package.
  • Magazines, illustrations, or photographs showing female nipples, genitals, sexual activities, bondage, or degradation are not allowed. Personal photographs may not contain nudity, partial nudity or be sexually suggestive.
  • Photographs depicting gangs, gang hand gestures, weapons, drugs, unlawful activities are not allowed. Any material tending to illicit or promote racism, violence or any other prohibited conduct is prohibited.
  • Oversized packages or boxes will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender. (An oversized package is defined as any item larger than a 9"x12" legal size manila envelope.) Boxes will not be accepted unless they are from an approved secure source.
  • Mail containing correspondence material (envelopes, paper, pencils, stamps, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • Money orders must be made payable to the "Santa Ana Jail," with the inmate's name and booking number annotated on the reference line of the money order.
  • Personal checks, cash, cashier's checks, corporate checks, and payroll checks are not accepted.
  • There is a maxim limit of 15 photographs allowed per week.

Mail containing the following items will not be delivered

  • Items that cannot be inspected without being damaged (e.g. multilayered cards, Polaroids, laminated or glued items, etc.).
  • Items containing foil or metal of any type, glass, wood, hard plastic, rubber, hair, leaves, flowers, paperclips, jewelry, staples, whiteout, colored paper, tracing paper, heavy art paper, glitter, confetti, stickers, tape, glue, paint, watercolors, tobacco products, or other prohibited substances , or any items written in crayon, chalk, or markers.
  • Items that may compromise the security of the facility.
  • Wall posters, travel brochures, catalogs (other than religious), wall calendars, or any other item larger than a legal size piece of paper.
  • Credit cards, personal checkbooks, original certificates (e.g., marriage, driver's license, diplomas, etc.).
  • Any food item.
  • Any article of clothing, hygiene item or other personal property.
  • Third party letters. (Correspondents may not forward letters from one person to another).
  • Any item that contains any unknown substance or unknown odor.
  • Pictures must not be larger than 5 x7, including the paper they are printed on.
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