Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Jail Administration and Support Services Division

The Administration Division Was Created In 1997 To Manage Contractual And Administrative Services Of The Jail.

The Administrative Division of the Jail is responsible for inmate housing agreements, managing vendor contracts, and administering the budget. Jail administrative personnel also ensure compliance with Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) regulations and facilitate county and federal agency audits and inspections to ensure the Jail is meeting the required health and safety standards.

The Department maintains inmate housing agreements with the following agencies:

  • U.S. Marshal's Office
  • Federal Bureau of Prisons
  • City of Irvine
  • City of Fountain Valley

The revenues from these contracts provide funding to offset the costs for jail operations.

Service contracts

The Santa Ana Jail maintains contracts with outside vendors for the following services:

  • Inmate Medical Services
  • Inmate Food Services
  • Inmate Commissary Services
  • Inmate Phone Services

Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC)

To ensure compliance with BSCC standards, there is a need for continuous auditing and inspection of jail practices, policies, and procedures. The Jail continuously reviews and updates the operational policies and coordinates with the Information Services Division to make them available electronically to all staff.

ADA assistance for inmates

The Santa Ana Jail has an on-site ADA Deputy Coordinator who is available to provide assistance for inmates with an auxiliary aid or service for communication, or reasonable modifications of policies or procedures made by that inmate upon intake.

Acting Jail Bureau Administrator Magdaleno Rodriguez, ADA Coordinator for Inmates

Senior Correctional Officer Caroline Contreras, ADA Deputy Coordinator for Inmates

62 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 245-8100

Pay-to-stay program

The Jail facility offers a “Pay-to-stay” program for individuals who request to complete their court-ordered sentences in the Santa Ana Jail. These individuals pay a daily fee and with court approval participate in a work-furlough program as they complete their sentence.

The Support Services Division manages jail programs, activities, and services

The Division includes six sections:

  • Jail records
  • Classification
  • Grievance
  • Inmate discipline and hearings
  • Inmate education
  • Religious programs

Jail inmate records

The Jail Records Section is responsible for initiating the booking process for all inmates taken to the Santa Ana Jail for processing.  This section is responsible for the maintaining of all inmate records and assisting with the release of inmates from the jail facility. They are assigned to the public lobby to facilitate inmate visitation with family members and their legal representatives. Records personnel  assist with the registration process for individuals ordered to register with the City as a condition of their probation or parole requirements.

Inmate classification

The Classification Section is responsible for the placement of inmates in the various housing areas, based on behavior, criminal history and special needs.  Classification officers interview inmates on an on-going basis to determine if their housing assignments remain appropriate based on recent events, changes in inmate behavior or new security concerns.

Inmate grievance, discipline and hearings

The Grievance and Hearings Section is responsible for addressing inmate grievances and conducting disciplinary hearings in accordance with BSCC standards.

General Educational Development Program (GED)

The Inmate Programs Section is responsible for developing and implementing the various educational, counseling, and behavioral programs.  The Inmate Programs Supervisor coordinates with Santa Ana College coordinator to provide requested education services to the inmate population.  Instructors from the Santa Ana College School of Continuing Education, Inmate Education and the Santa Ana Jail have developed a highly successful inmate educational program. Since the program’s inception, an average of 100 inmates graduate from the program annually.

Religious programs

The Jail offers religious services from a wide variety of faiths based on the requests of the inmate population. In addition, weekly bible studies are offered by local religious groups and organizations.  The Inmate Programs Supervisor facilitates these visits from various religious groups who also provide requested literature based on the religious preferences of the inmate population.

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