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King Street urban greening project

1000 N. King Street

Join us for the official ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, July 1 at 11 a.m.!

Project description:

The unused right-of-way area located at King Street and Fairview Street was identified as the perfect location for a new pocket park in Santa Ana in 2022. The surrounding Artesia Pilar neighborhood demonstrated support throughout the design and construction phases of the project. The ultimate goals of the project are to beautify the neighborhood, reduce illegal dumping, and provide connectivity between Artesia Pilar and Fairview St.

The project received a $1.49 million grant from the Caltrans Clean California Local Grant Program due to its innovative approach in managing stormwater runoff and beautification of the area. When it rains, stormwater will flow into the park and be captured by two bioretention basins and an underground stormwater infiltration system. Once captured, the stormwater will slowly filter through the soil and eventually down into the local groundwater basin. The park is capable of capturing approximately 117,000 gallons of stormwater per storm! The project will improve water quality in the Santa Ana River watershed, enhance local water supplies, and reduce flooding.

The project includes:

  • New 10,000 square-foot park
  • 2 bioretention basins
  • Underground stormwater infiltration system
  • Pervious concrete bike path
  • Pedestrian path
  • New lighting
  • Community art features and mural
  • Interpretive signage
  • Drought tolerant landscaping and shade trees

Construction period:

  • Design: January 2023 – July 2023
  • City Council award of construction contract (C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc.): October 17, 2023
  • Construction: December 2023 – June 2024
King street project site before construction


Grant from the Caltrans Clean California Local Grant Program $1,491,240
Federal Clean Water Protection Enterprise $299,000
District 3 Acquisition and Development Funding $300,000

Total project costs:

Total (design & construction) = $2,090,240

King street project construction


Clean California logo

Help us name the King Street urban greening project!

With the King Street urban greening project nearing completion, we are now seeking park name suggestions. Submit your best name suggestion for this new pocket park and stay tuned to see if your suggestion is selected as one of the finalists for a community poll, going live later in July. We encourage the community to stop by and visit the park on Monday, July 1 at 11 a.m., to see all its new amenities and come up with a name.

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