Discover the joy of reading at our Preschool Storytime! Perfect for children ages 3-5, this engaging program includes charming stories, sing-alongs, and activities that spark imagination. Each session ends with a creative craft, allowing your child to make a special project to take home. View a flyer or contact us at 714-647-6992 for more information. ¡Descubre el...
Students in grades K-12 can register to receive one-on-one assistance with a qualified tutor on Zoom. Register here. View a flyer or contact us at 714-647-6992 for more information. Los estudiantes en los grados Kinder al 12º pueden registrarse para recibir asistencia personalizada con un tutor calificado en Zoom. Regístrate aquí. Ver volante o contáctenos al 714-647-6992 para...
Join us to ignite your imagination and unleash your creativity. Whether you’re painting, drawing, or crafting, this is the perfect place to explore your artistic skills. No experience is needed—just bring your passion and enjoy the journey! View a flyer or contact us at 714-647-6992 for more information. Únase a nosotros para encender su imaginación y liberar su creatividad....
Take time to learn about a new culture and connect through language, activities and snacks! This month we will explore the culture and geography of India! Open to teens. View a flyer or contact us at 714-571-4238 for more information. ¡Toma tiempo para aprender sobre una cultura extranjera y conectarte a través del idioma, actividades y refrigerios! ¡Este...
Covering concepts in robotics, AI, mechanics, electrical circuits, & coding you will learn skills through hands-on activities. Interact with Social Skills Robots like Milo and Kebbi. Contact us at 714-647-6992 for more information. Al cubrir conceptos de robótica, inteligencia artificial, mecánica, circuitos eléctricos y codificación, aprenderá habilidades a través de actividades prácticas. Interactúa con robots de habilidades...