Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Unattended Children Policy

The Santa Ana Public Library is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all Library users.

Library facilities are public buildings that are open to all. Parents and caregivers should use the same precautions for ensuring a child’s safety as in any other public location. Parents and caregivers are solely responsible for the welfare and behavior of children using the Library.

Children in 5 th grade and below must always be accompanied by a parent or responsible caregiver (9 th grade and older) while in the Library.

If the children’s area and adult area are separated or on separate floors, the caregiver must stay with the child.

When staff become aware that a child in 5th grade or below has been left unsupervised in the Library, staff will stay with the child while they attempt to locate the child’s caregiver. If library staff cannot locate the child’s parent or caregiver, the Police Department will be notified and asked to assume care of the child.

From time to time, the Santa Ana Public Library schedules or provides programs that are designed and suitable for attendance by children without parental supervision. In that case, the parent or caregiver is expected to remain in proximity to the program, so they are available should they be needed.

If an unattended child or children are present after closing, one staff member and a security guard shall remain with the child or children. In the event a child is still at the Library 30 minutes after the Library closes to the public, the police will be called to pick up the child. Attempts will be made during that 30 minutes to reach the parents. Whenever staff feels that it is appropriate to follow this process with a child or children 6th grade or older, they are authorized to do so.

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