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Time capsule of the Jacaranda

Posted on November 9, 2023


East 1st Street & Main Street

Santa Ana



Artist: Bud Herrera

“Time Capsule of the Jacaranda” 2022

Location: South West corner of W 10th St & N Main St. intersection

“The Jacarandas are impressive trees in May when covered with clusters of blue tubular flowers. The ground below them turns rapidly blue, and some gardeners might object to that quantity of litter, but we cannot be discouraged by that. A variety of ‘Alba’ with white flowers, and denser foliage, is occasionally available. Flowers in spring are trumpet like lavender and 2″ long by 1 1/2″ wide. There are white and pink also. If the tree is given too much water, the leaves appear first, somewhat spoiling the startling effect of the flowers. The flowers are followed by woody, disc-shaped seed pods. Many may commute past the jacaranda trees daily and can often overlook them. We must preserve the beauty that these flowers bring to our neighborhood. A visual representation of honoring the flower in its full bloom. My design is an effort to capsulize the flower and appreciate it whether pink, white or lavender. Reminding the viewer and commuter of the great addition that this flower brings to the neighborhoods that make up Santa Ana and the South Main Corridor.” – Bud Herrera.

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