Dear community,
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter! The purpose of this newsletter is to share with you about events in the community and City Hall. My goal is to develop a strong connection between the mayor’s office and our community, and this newsletter is an important part of that effort. As a current subscriber, please consider sharing the newsletter with friends and neighbors who also take an interest in the life of the community we love. (Subscribe here)
February was another exciting month meeting community members, organizations, and local leaders. The City Council adopted February as Black History Month and I enjoyed participating in the unveiling of our first ceremonial street sign toppers as part of the new ceremonial street naming program created by the City Council. These first toppers recognize Santa Ana’s African-American heritage, coinciding with Black History Month.

During our City Council meeting, I also appointed my new City Commissioners, and you can find more information about their appointment here. In support of our city, Congressman Lou Correa invited me to join local leaders to meet with U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Isabel Guzman for a Small Business Roundtable meeting. In addition to this meeting, The Congressman and I also toured the Church of Latter-Day Saints Bishop’s store discussing opportunities to work together to bring resources to Santa Ana communities.
At the Women in Leadership (WIL) luncheon, I was invited to be a guest speaker and talk about my experience as the first woman mayor elected in Santa Ana. I then joined hundreds of newly elected mayors and council members at the League of California Cities New Mayors and Council Members Academy. During this academy, we collectively engaged in learning, connecting, and gaining tools to become more effective leaders.
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and I met to discuss issues that we are both addressing in our cities. I want to thank Mayor Bass for her time and I hope we continue to share moments of insight.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and I met to discuss issues that we are both addressing in our cities. I want to thank Mayor Bass for her time and I look forward to sharing more moments of insight.
I had the honor of speaking at the Orange County Labor Federation MLK Breakfast, Second Baptist Church’s 100-year anniversary event, and at California State Controller Malia Cohen’s inauguration. I was proud to represent Santa Ana by participating in these historic events.

As always, I am honored to serve as your mayor and please feel free to contact me with questions, concerns or comments.
I look forward to seeing you in the community and join me at the first Coffee with the Mayor on March 25 at El Salvador Park.
Mayor Valerie Amezcua
City Hall
Upcoming Holiday and Closed Friday schedule: (City Hall non-essential offices are closed on alternating Fridays throughout the year.)
- Friday, March 3, 2023 – City Hall closed
- Friday, March 17, 2023 – City Hall closed
- Friday, March 31, 2023 – City Hall closed
The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 7, at 5 p.m. in the Santa Ana Council Chamber, 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. Official City meetings are open to the public and I encourage you to participate. Council agendas and minutes may be accessed here.
City resources
Homelessness aid:
- Homeless Services: Addressing the needs of those experiencing homelessness while reducing the impacts on our neighborhoods is one of my top priorities.
- Find resources here:
- Call the SMART program for non-emergency homeless-related issues: (714) 242-3706
- Report issues with the mySantaAna app.
- Or call the Mayor’s office at (714) 647-6900.
- Project Hope Alliance: Homelessness support for families and children.
Food assistance:
- Local Food Pantries:
- Bracken Kitchen:
- Project Food Box:
Trash pickup problems?
- Contact Republic Services at (877) 328-2074
Who do I call at City Hall?
- Important phone numbers:
- City Hall main line: (714) 647-5400
- Code Enforcement: (714) 667-2780
- Graffiti Hotline: (877) 786-7824
- Public Works dispatch (street sweeping, trees): (714) 647-3380
- Find more phone numbers for all City services:
Get involved
Community Budget meetings and survey
The City of Santa Ana is beginning its annual budget process for the 2023-2024 fiscal year and is an opportunity for everyone to get involved and make a difference! Participate in the City budget
Mayor on the move
Save the date and join me at:
- Coffee with the Mayor: El Salvador Park, 10 a.m. Saturday, March 25.
- Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast: Templo Calvario Church, Tuesday, May 9
- Santa Ana State of the City: Santa Ana Elks Lodge, Thursday, June 22
Rep. Correa resources fair
Kiwanis Volunteer Parent group in action at Congressman Lou Correa’s Community Resources Fair with Mayor Valerie Amezcua.
Visit from the Girl Scouts!
Some of our Santa Ana Girl Scouts came by to visit me in my office at City Hall. What a treat! (And not just because of the cookies.)
Non-Profit highlight: WISEPlace
I had the pleasure of meeting with WISEPlace CEO Brateil Aghasi. Under Brateil’s leadership, WISEPlace is now embarking on a development partnership to build 48 units of permanent supportive housing. Additionally, she expanded critical quality by bringing in trauma-informed care with a focus on mental health counseling and psychiatric support in addition to other holistic needs such as alcohol and substance recovery and medical needs. Learn more here:
Small business spotlight: Mil Jugos, 318 W 5th St.
One of my favorite things to do is visiting small businesses. I had a wonderful visit to Mil Jugos restaurant. From the food, decoration, and hospitality … everything was amazing. Thank you to owner Nora Briceno for sharing some of her concerns and recommendations about downtown Santa Ana. Learn more here:
Santa Ana employee spotlight
Meet our Executive Assistants
As part of my monthly newsletter, I will be highlighting some of our dedicated employees and the important jobs they perform. In honor of Women’s History Month (March 1-31) I am highlighting all of the executive assistants from each department or agency here at the City of Santa Ana. They go above and beyond keeping the offices of our large departments running smoothly and serving as point of contact among executives, employees, clients and other external partners. They are an integral part of the team, whom everyone can comfortably turn to when the need arises. We’re happy to have them with us!
Our executive assistants are:
- City Attorney’s Office: Suzanne St. Clair
- City Manager’s Office/City Council: Rosa Flores, Yesenia Cruz and Angie Morris
- Clerk of the Council: Fatima Araiza
- Community Development Agency: Bianca Zurita
- Finance & Management Services Agency: Kristin Andrade
- Human Resources Department: Mai Pham
- Information Technology Department: Melanie Torres
- Library Services Agency: Ella Sepulveda
- Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Agency: Stella Fajardo
- Planning & Building Agency: Cynthia Mora
- Santa Ana Police Department: Elizabeth Plotnik
- Public Works Agency: Lorrie Ortiz
Things to do
Coffee with the Mayor!
Each month I will be hosting Coffee with the Mayor, and I invite you to join me to discuss ideas, convey concerns, and provide your unique perspectives on city issues. My first coffee event will be on Saturday, March 25, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at El Salvador Park, 1825 W. Civic Center Drive. There is no need to RSVP.
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
March 17 at both Senior Centers – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food, dance, entertainment.
Parks and Recreation Summer Hiring Event
March 23 at Jerome Community Center, 1-7 p.m. Hiring Fair for all Parks and Recreation available positions. Learn more at
Kids Night Out (Carnival Theme)
March 17 at El Salvador Park, 6 to 8:45 p.m.
Springfest Open House
March 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Re-introduce classes, resources, and programs available to residents with presentations from instructors, food, a scavenger hunt, and much more.
Adult Co-Ed Kickball League registration ends March 17
Eight-game league with playoffs. Games on Wednesday nights starting March 29.
Learn more at
Santa Ana Zoo
Zoo’s 71st Birthday on March 19
Celebrate the Zoo Birthday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with an all-zoo scavenger hunt, educational activities, and see the animals receive “birthday enrichment treats!”
Santa Ana Residents Day March 19
On Resident Free Day, the third Sunday of each month, residents of Santa Ana may visit our Zoo for free. Proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill) will be required upon arrival. Not valid for school or business addresses.
Zoo E.C.O. Pop-ups
Meet the Zoo at a Park near you! Get outside with a new theme, activities, and animal friends each week. Wednesday and Friday afternoons, schedule included below.
- Santiago Park Nature Center E.C.O. Pop-ups. Fridays from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
- Fisher Park – March 3 and March 10
- French Park – March 17 and March 24
- Adams Park – March 31
Employment opportunities
The City of Santa Ana is always hiring. Check out our job opportunities and see what we have to offer. If you find something you like, think you’re qualified and are a good fit, consider applying for a position! We’re currently recruiting for lifeguards, police officers, building maintenance technicians, accountants, library staff, and more.
Invite me!
Since being elected and sworn into office in December, I have met with hundreds of people and attended dozens of events throughout our community. If you’d like me to attend an event in your neighborhood or in connection with your organization, please feel free to make that request. Use this form to contact me.
I look forward to working together to create a better quality of life in Santa Ana for all of us!
Follow the City on Social media and online.