Mobile vending regulations

- Business License (SAMC 21-5)
- OC County Health approval
- Conspicuous display of permits (SAMC 36-702 (B)(2)
- Equipped with refuse containers within 50ft radius of vehicle
- Vehicles to be stored in Commissaries
- Land Use Certificate / special event permit when on private property
- Food truck operator responsible for retrieval of trash and refuse generated during hours of operation and before leaving area.
Prohibited actions and items
- Additional lighting, signs, amplified sound
- Vending within 250ft of school, park, community center or play ground
- Vending within 50ft of marked/unmarked crosswalk in an intersection
- Vending that obstructs or creates hazards
- Restocking in public right of way
- Electrical power from public / private property
- Items in public right of way
- Vending where speed limit is 35 miles per hour or greater
- No tables / chairs