Holiday closure: December 24, 2024, to January 1, 2025

Santa Ana City Hall and most City facilities will be closed for the holidays. Learn more here.

Name new park projects in development

Posted on June 27, 2023

Help us name our parks image: "New projects in development -Standard/ McFadden project -Dog Park at Centennial Park"

The City of Santa Ana is excited to continue to bring new park projects and park improvements as outlined as a main priority in Santa Ana Parks, Recreation and Community Services  2022 Parks Master Plan. As we move through the beginning phases of planning and development of upcoming projects, we would like to ask for your help in naming the parks! We have two new projects that we are seeking suggestions for names.

One project is located on the cross streets of Standard and McFadden. Community and neighborhood feedback have already helped in the creation of new plans for this location. Additional information regarding this project is available.

The second project will be a new dog play space in Centennial Park! This project has been identified as a priority and is in the early stages of development while funding is being identified. Help us name this future project as we seek funding sources.

Forms are available to submit name suggestions or to select one of the pre-submitted names provided. Cast your votes by July 14, 2023 for review at the next Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission later in the month of Thursday, July 27, 2023.

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