Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Neighborhood Initiatives Trainings

Every year the Neighborhood Initiatives and Environmental Services provides interactive training to engage and inform Santa Ana residents. This is part of a collective effort to introduce sustainable strategies and promote community engagement to advance Santa Ana. Below you will find more information on the trainings provided. If you would like to learn more about the training call our office at 714-667-2260.

Resident Leadership Training

The Resident Leadership Training is made to engage veteran and new resident leaders in strategies and tools to leverage new opportunities and partnerships, have resources to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of their neighborhood associations, and help improve the quality of life in their community.

Neighborhood Leaders 'Planning for 2024' Training

The Neighborhood Initiatives and Environmental Services (NIES) Team provided a Neighborhood Leaders training on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The purpose of the training was to provide a NIES overview and updates, Comprehensive Zoning Code Update, a rollout of toolkit of resources and updates to help empower neighborhood association leaders, Special Event permits, clarify support and expectations from NIES staff during transition, and share environmental justice updates.

Neighborhood Leaders 'Planning for 2023' Training

The Neighborhood Initiatives and Environmental Services (NIES) Team provided a Neighborhood Leaders training on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. The purpose of the training was to provide an NIES overview and new focus on  the City's General Plan policies and implementation actions related to environmental justice, rollout of toolkit of resources and updates to help empower neighborhood association leaders, clarify support and expectations from NIES staff during transition, and share a recent neighborhood victory around environmental justice.

South Coast Neighborhood Leaders Training

The Neighborhood Initiatives and Environmental Services Team provided a South Coast Neighborhood Leaders Training on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 and a second training on Monday, September 19, 2022. The first training agenda included communications and outreach, event and project planning, and capacity building tools. The second training agenda included peer neighborhood association leader discussion, NIES support and next steps. PowerPoint presentation, handouts, and recording are provided below.

Special Events Training

The Special Events Training was provided to residents leaders who are interested in holding an event in the City. Information on the new special events policy was provided as well as permit types, the application process, permit requirements, site plans, insurance, and traffic control plans.

If you were unable to attend the presentation the recording is available on YouTube at the link below.

HOA Training

The HOA training is made to provide educational opportunities and resources to HOA managers. Information on new laws that affect community associations are provided as well as resource material from SAPD, OC Fire Authority, CERT, and Neighborhood Watch.

Apartment Manager Training

The Apartment Manager Training is for Santa Ana on-site apartment managers. This training provides information on how to screen tenants, do proper evictions, maintain your building, and safety and security.

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