Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Neighborhood watch


Neighborhood Watch Sign with words "Neighborhood Watch program in force, we report all suspicious persons and activity to the Santa Ana Police Department, (714) 834-4211"The Santa Ana Police Department is dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of the residents of our city by providing responsive and professional police services with compassion and concern. Our mission is accomplished within the moral and legal standards of our community, through a problem-solving partnership with the community and members of the department. Our belief in forging partnerships with the community to address the causes of crime and reduce the fear of crime has been successful for years.

One way the Santa Ana Police Department works with the community to fight crime is through an active Neighborhood Watch program. Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest crime prevention concepts employed in residential areas involving local citizens. Santa Ana’s Neighborhood Watch program not only allows citizens to become active in the fight against crime, it also provides them an opportunity to bond through service.

A Neighborhood Watch can be formed around any geographic unit such as a neighborhood, block, apartment complex, or business area. The information in this application packet will assist residents in forming a Neighborhood Watch and requesting the installation of Neighborhood Watch signs.


There are several steps that must be completed in order to establish a Neighborhood Watch. After organizing a group of citizens and identifying the geographic area for the Neighborhood Watch, the group will need to select an individual to serve as the “Block Captain.” The Block Captain will then complete and submit the “Neighborhood Watch Program Application” to their assigned Police Service Officer. Once the application has been approved, the Department will work with the Block Captain to coordinate Neighborhood Watch training and installation of Neighborhood Watch signs.

The Santa Ana Police Department will provide all Neighborhood Watch signs at no cost to the Neighborhood Watch. However, the Police Department will not coordinate the installation of signs until all of the Neighborhood Watch program requirements have been met.

With few exceptions, all Neighborhood Watch signs will be placed on existing street sign poles. Signs cannot be installed on stop signs or utility poles; however, in most cases they can be placed on poles that include no parking or street sweeping signs. When completing the sign installation application, please provide the closest numbered address of where you want the sign installed and photograph of the location. We also strongly recommend checking with your neighbors, if you plan to install a sign in front of their house, as not everyone may want a “Neighborhood Watch” sign in front of their home. If possible, attach a map indicating where the signs should be installed. All signs will be installed according to state and federal guidelines.

Note: Please allow 4-6 weeks to complete the application process and obtain approval for Neighborhood Watch sign installation. The Block Captain is advised to keep a copy of the completed application.

Download the application

Download Neighborhood Watch Application

In order to activate your Neighborhood Watch and request the installation of signs, please complete the attached Neighborhood Watch Program Application and Neighborhood Watch Manual. The completed forms may be submitted to the Santa Ana Police Department’s assigned Police Service Officer electronically or addressed to them and mailed to this address:

Santa Ana Police Department
60 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Ana, CA 92702

Send us your questions and comments

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