The City of Santa Ana Public Works Parks Services Department is planning a new park on the southeast corner of 10th Street and Flower Street, just north of Civic Center Drive. The intent of this 1.4-acre neighborhood park is to provide the local community with access to open space, exercise, and recreation facilities.
The components of this new park project, which are included within the park concept plan, consist of a basketball court, skate park, playground area with rubberized play surface, an exercise area, canvas shade structures, turf play areas, new site lighting, water-wise landscaping with shade trees, automated irrigation system, site furnishings including benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, drinking fountain and picnic tables, and a park monument sign. This park would be a walk-up, pedestrian park without a vehicle parking lot and would primarily serve the local neighborhood.
The project is anticipated to begin construction in 2025. To view the draft Environmental Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration click here.